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  1. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Well I give up

    Words of wisdom, I'll keep that in mind.
  2. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Well I give up

    I'll give you that anal carrot later I guess
  3. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Well I give up

    Oh boy here we go again. Hurry up and close this before it turns into a shitshow.
  4. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Well I give up

    Toxicity ✔ Everyone cares more about frag movies and having a "good KD" than RP ✔ What little org wars remain are settled in ARs ✔ Marksmanship is still in the game ✔ The Devs have turned into the TF2Team ✔ Everyone just zergs or memes around ✔ I'm just too nostalgic to play now, knowing that...
  5. The Strange Deranged Mage

    N o V E G E T A B L E S

    I wanna join
  6. The Strange Deranged Mage

    N o V E G E T A B L E S

    I'm gonna shove a carrot up your ass if you don't eat your spinach.
  7. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Identity RPG game

    Aaaaannnnndddd they botched it
  8. The Strange Deranged Mage

    What is your new year resolution for 2018?

    I want to leave and play monolith.
  9. The Strange Deranged Mage


  10. The Strange Deranged Mage

    happy birthday fatass

    happy birthday fatass
  11. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Fun fact; I still have that M82 to this day. So if you take it, you rob a piece of PH history

    Fun fact; I still have that M82 to this day. So if you take it, you rob a piece of PH history
  12. The Strange Deranged Mage

    a war declaration on mega lolis

    If u wanna kill weebs so bad then make a ban appeal
  13. The Strange Deranged Mage

    ✮Traveling Vice Lords✮

    My fps was great with 64 bit but ph broke it so now i have to play with shity fps
  14. The Strange Deranged Mage

    ✮Traveling Vice Lords✮

    Cant play with them if you shot them
  15. The Strange Deranged Mage

    ✮Traveling Vice Lords✮

    He's not banned we just gotta summon him. @Venomine @Venomine @Venomine
  16. The Strange Deranged Mage

    ✮Traveling Vice Lords✮

    American gang unite join us @Detrix
  17. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Welcome back babe

    Welcome back babe
  18. The Strange Deranged Mage

    PERPHeads Staff Team Christmas Giveaway

    If I win I will give my winnings to a nearby sweatervest
  19. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Lancer squad

    Lancer squad
  20. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Making music....

    Rather old thread lad
  21. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Not A Shooting Montage 3 & 4

    Uh oh, now everyone is gonna try to kill each other with bats without actually holding them.
  22. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Recommending games?

    Medieval 2 is a lot of fun. The best part is all the mods like Stainless Steel and Third Age. Did I also make mention you can kill pagan Lithuanians? Just don't piss off the Golden Horde.
  23. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Come back :(

    Come back :(
  24. The Strange Deranged Mage

    What would you like changed?

    I've been playing monolith. They have a bit of a player owned economy, newer players go out chopping wood, mining, and fishing. They sell their stuff to more experienced players who use them to cook or craft guns.
  25. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Slasher w/ Mega Lolis

    Extreme Football Throwdown
  26. The Strange Deranged Mage

    Slasher w/ Mega Lolis

    Do ETF next time
  27. The Strange Deranged Mage

