Search results

  1. Leyer

    PUBG Tournament?

    Too late to join? :P
  2. Leyer

    The Rise and Fall of PERPHeads

    I haven't been here for years, but randomly stumbled across this post. Most of you probably don't know who I am. However, I used to be an admin some years ago. I joined the server with @LEWIS 088 , probably a more familiar name for many of you. Left for some reasons, later come back and became a...
  3. Leyer


  4. Leyer

    I've been here, just not commenting on anything. I resigned like 2,5 weeks ago, dunno why I...

    I've been here, just not commenting on anything. I resigned like 2,5 weeks ago, dunno why I still have my rank.
  5. Leyer

    The End of CS:GO Gambling

    These gambling sites are owned by scumbags that fucking LOOK UP RESULTS BEFORE they bet against underage betters to steal their money, most of these shitty sites have not paid taxes either. Gambling should always be regulated. 2015 the ILLEGAL gambling market with cs go skins was worth $2.3...
  6. Leyer


    Success, competition and money motivates me.
  7. Leyer

    Graphics card.

  8. Leyer


  9. Leyer

    Help with headset/mic

    Sennheiser HD 8 DJ + Modmic 4.0 Whatever you do, DONT BUY A GAMING HEADSET, especially not Razer. Also, note that Alex is a scrub, don't listen to him about his headphones preferences.
  10. Leyer

    Garry's mod. Multicore improvements in the next update?

    Time to test it! Update:
  11. Leyer

    Got mugged several times and want all or all possible items back

    What rule did the muggers break? Specify, thank you. If the people that mugged you broke a rule, you should do an AR before you do a RR.
  12. Leyer

    Got mugged several times and want a refund

    You can only request refunds if rules have been broken and you can provide evidence. If rules have been broken and you have evidence, feel free to make a new thread following the refund request template. Thread Closed.
  13. Leyer


  14. Leyer


  15. Leyer

    Garry's mod. Multicore improvements in the next update?

    By following the facepunch garry's mod development thread I have read that one of the current developers, Willox, has been working on improving multicore support and performance. The changes are currently live on the dev branch of the game and players are free to test it out. According a member...
  16. Leyer

    Favourite Youtuber

    Roman Atwood Main Channel - Vlog Channel LinusTechTips Main Channel - Techquickie - ChannelSuperFun Then an honorary shout out to GradeAUnderA for being a fucking legend.
  17. Leyer

    Goodbye Perpheads!

    Hello! After reviewing you post I have come to the conclusion that it's sad to see you go, even if we havent seen each others on the server much. Good luck in the future! Kind regards Leyer
  18. Leyer

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  19. Leyer

    Headset or separate microphone?

    Buy a modmic, problem solved. Then you should probably buy a pair headphones because gaming headsets sucks.
  20. Leyer

    Always had that color and always will.

    Always had that color and always will.
  21. Leyer

    Thanks! (Probably not..)

    Thanks! (Probably not..)
  22. Leyer

    Thanks! :)

    Thanks! :)
  23. Leyer


  24. Leyer

    Thanks! We will see ;)

    Thanks! We will see ;)
  25. Leyer

    I've been on ts & the server for atleast 7 hours a day the past 1.5 months. And been pretty...

    I've been on ts & the server for atleast 7 hours a day the past 1.5 months. And been pretty active on the forums, dunno what else I can do really. I hope you will get to know me soon.
  26. Leyer

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  27. Leyer

    Inactive? :O. For those who don't know I was an admin back in 2014 and came back around 1.5...

    Inactive? :O. For those who don't know I was an admin back in 2014 and came back around 1.5 months ago.
  28. Leyer

    Complete & final FPS Guide! (No cheeky .exe's, no artifacts)

    One of these commands causes it: mat_compressedtextures 1 mat_bumpmap 0 mat_clipz 0 mat_filterlightmaps 0 mat_filtertextures 0 mat_mipmaptextures 0 mat_softwarelighting 1 mat_specular 0 mat_picmip 2 Try experimenting by turing them off one by one to see which one.
  29. Leyer

