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  1. Littlestar not working atm

    It's all fixed now so I will need to do my 2nd of the officer app all over again alose I done a Dispatcher so when I did that it letted me do it so it all fine now thanks for the help.
  2. Littlestar not working atm

    so I tryed it and does not work alose like I said befor I did a Helpdesk on this but it still given the same error as I was given form the app
  3. Littlestar not working atm

    ok I tryed to do a helpdesk to TI about it but still came up with the same error so I don't think it that
  4. Littlestar not working atm

    ok thanks it the first time it hapeen to me and I did not kown what was going on
  5. Littlestar not working atm

    so at 2:30 PM I was trying to do my 2nd part of the officers app right so when I done that it comes up with this so I tryed concact the IT team in helpdesk and when I did it came up when the same error if I cuold get help that be good I do not want to lose what I have put down in the 2nd of...
  6. Littlestar

    Tootor Not Working

    ok thanks for telling me I hope it gets fixed
  7. Littlestar

    fixing tooter

    well I think it good to have tootor cos it adds well RP and social media RP to the game but I wuold not say no one uses it cos I rember back in 2015/16 when you did not need to apply for officer olny for SO+ I seen a lot of players use it to, I alose seen the PLPD use it too. So it wuold be...
  8. Littlestar

    Tootor Not Working

    So I went on the server well to play but then I thuo I make a Tootor account. So when I try to make one a msg comes up wich is shown in the Pic. If you can help me that be good.
  9. Littlestar

    My Introduction (New Start)

    Thanks you all for what you all said. My IC name is Simon Edwards
  10. Littlestar

    My Introduction (New Start)

    Hi I am Littlestar you may kown me by the Bans I got and warns/blacklisted I got to. I am a 16 years old autistic boy with learning difficulties, special needs and speaking problems who is looking for a New Start where I wont got warned/baned and blacklisted. The things I love is Police, Trains...
  11. Littlestar

    is perphead dead or no

    To be honest Well back in 2015/16 I been band a lot. Back then I founded the rules hard to follow but now it not that hard to follow. I very much agree on what he said. I do miss playing Perpheads form time to time but I stoped playing it altogether. One time I was on the server and I was...
  12. Littlestar

    Editing the Map App

    it be good cos new ppl will kown where anything is and it will help new ppl so i want to see this in game
  13. Littlestar

    PerpHeads Legacy Server

    can i be a helper pls
  14. Littlestar

    PerpHeads Legacy Server

    con't wait when will it be up? :)
  15. Littlestar

    I need help

    Idk evetime i play it on the PC or the Xbox one that had not happed to me so i say ask @LordTyla. :)
  16. Littlestar

    AMPR for Police

    Main idea: adds AMPR to the police PC Description: The AMPR will in the Police PC what it does is its says to you if a guy is wanted on the car its looking at. It also says to you if the car it looking at has done a crime or it been thefted by someone and it does what does in rile life. Pros...
  17. Littlestar

    Day/night time.

    evetime i join it night i wold like if the days time are longer then night
  18. Littlestar

    American sirens 1.2.5

    if you can do UK sirens that will be good :)
  19. Littlestar

    AR on The Hottest Man On Tinder

    Your Steam/In-game Name Littlestar/Hope Griffon His/Her Steam/In-game Name: The Hottest Man On Tinder/Johannes Simeon His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:103741555 Why Should This Player Be Punished? he failed RP i was going in to the City hall and i see two ppl with guns on there back but one of them...
  20. Littlestar

    Hope Griffon - MetaGame

    well i have to say i have broke 6.2 but not 6.1 cos i have seen his face and what he looks like befor and i kown i have but i con't rebmer but not his name.
  21. Littlestar

    AR on IBasicallyDoStuff

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Lttlestaer/Hope Griffon His/Her Steam/In-game Name: IBasicallyDoStuff/Donald Doe His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:134777358 Why Should This Player Be Punished ok i was police i bolk some laws and he stoped me when he did he went up to me saying what i have done then i went...
  22. Littlestar

    Star Organization

    Star Organization Star Organization is an Organization to find out on what we do pls msg me on the forums. to join go here: we wish you good luck. Have a good day. We are now disbanded. Why? no one will join
  23. Littlestar

    Star organization Application Format

    CLOSE COPY HERE in to a new thread OOC: Steam Name: Age [OOC]: Do you know how to roleplay without breaking rules? Are you VIP [Not required] What is your playtime? do you have a mic? IC: Name & Surname: Age [IC]: Why do you wish to join Star Organization? Why should you be accepted...