Hope Griffon - MetaGame

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Your Steam/In-game Name: James Davis

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Hope Griffion
Steam Name: Littlestar

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:43415042

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
I like to start of with the situation here,

Lets stat shall we? Ok basically im at Bazaar and then some person who was starting on me pulled out a baseball bat out and started to make threats i then under section 2 2.1 of the Paralake penal code shot him in self defense. Now this is the juicy bit of the story after shooting him i went to the monorail to catch the train until my friend come up and started talking to me and then after that i went back to bazaar shop and then went over the "crime scene" even though it was clear to enter since it was cleared by officers. Now they come up to me and retrain me and then John Doe says "officer thats him, thats James (so he had no DNA Evidence or known my name and just instantly recognized me without asking for any ID)" After saying it James They call in to say the murder suspect is here and then arrest me. Overall i think he was just Metagaming. Also to add to the quote he also said "cos ive seen him before" never has he seen before and even if he did he would still had no idea it was me from just looking at me.
"6.2 Learning Names- Players may only use another player’s name once you have been told their name, In-Character. Players may only use the phone to call or text message another player once they have been told their cell phone number in-character."
6.1 Recognising Players- Players may only recognise and/or describe another player if they have seen a reasonable amount of their face; this rule is generally based on whether or not a player has had an opportunity to see another player’s face. Typically, players should base whether or not they should be able to remember a player based on whether or not they actually remember the player’s In-Character name (the name that ‘floats’ above player’s heads). This means that players can change their clothes, for example, and still potentially be recognised by someone."

Evidence (Demo Required):

Sorry my mic isnt the best of quality

The main bit starts at 3:17

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Hey man, demos have been broken for a while and display 'John Doe' as everyone's name. The person in this video is;

RP Name: Hope Griffon
Steam Name: Littlestar
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:43415042

This is very unclear. The only evidence is him saying that you are James, and for all we know, you might own a shop, and he has seen you there, or he might have heard your name before. I believe we need his explanation for this.
Other thing is how you don't respond to the search at all. Simply saying you got no ID via the mic is still IC, and you have to tell them the truth via either a /desc or a looc message. Also found it a bit weird that you wouldn't call the police or anything if you killed someone in self defence, as failing to do so could get you arrested for murder.

Anyways, in short, I believe we need to hear from the officer how he got your name before we can give any opinions on the matter.
Your Steam/In-game Name: James Davis

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Hope Griffion
Steam Name: Littlestar

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:43415042

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
I like to start of with the situation here,

Lets stat shall we? Ok basically im at Bazaar and then some person who was starting on me pulled out a baseball bat out and started to make threats i then under section 2 2.1 of the Paralake penal code shot him in self defense. Now this is the juicy bit of the story after shooting him i went to the monorail to catch the train until my friend come up and started talking to me and then after that i went back to bazaar shop and then went over the "crime scene" even though it was clear to enter since it was cleared by officers. Now they come up to me and retrain me and then John Doe says "officer thats him, thats James (so he had no DNA Evidence or known my name and just instantly recognized me without asking for any ID)" After saying it James They call in to say the murder suspect is here and then arrest me. Overall i think he was just Metagaming. Also to add to the quote he also said "cos ive seen him before" never has he seen before and even if he did he would still had no idea it was me from just looking at me.
"6.2 Learning Names- Players may only use another player’s name once you have been told their name, In-Character. Players may only use the phone to call or text message another player once they have been told their cell phone number in-character."
6.1 Recognising Players- Players may only recognise and/or describe another player if they have seen a reasonable amount of their face; this rule is generally based on whether or not a player has had an opportunity to see another player’s face. Typically, players should base whether or not they should be able to remember a player based on whether or not they actually remember the player’s In-Character name (the name that ‘floats’ above player’s heads). This means that players can change their clothes, for example, and still potentially be recognised by someone."

Evidence (Demo Required):

Sorry my mic isnt the best of quality

The main bit starts at 3:17


well i have to say i have broke 6.2 but not 6.1 cos i have seen his face and what he looks like befor and i kown i have but i con't rebmer but not his name.
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