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  1. Fielding


  2. Fielding

    Police Suggestion add more police undercover cars for senior officers and RTU

    Im pretty sure the devs have said a few times now that they will not be working on further vehicles for the game mode; atleast for emergency services for the time being :)
  3. Fielding


  4. Fielding

    Thanks bro, spending the day in hospital

    Thanks bro, spending the day in hospital
  5. Fielding

    Non pvp heist

    are you thinking relevant to how nopixel works ?
  6. Fielding

    Police Suggestion Traffic Wand/Stop Signal

    I think it'd be practical where it would be mostly used. i.e business street and suburbs area. I know vehicles go 100+, and that will happen anyways. This tool will either way help us stop or warn even drivers going 100+ like a knob imo atleast
  7. Fielding

    Police Suggestion Traffic Wand/Stop Signal

    So, the traffic wand (bottom picture) is used for accidents and directing traffic yes. The top one which is the stop signal is used for traffic controls such as speed traps, dui checkponts, etc and is used to signal drivers to stop. This would improve safety and ability to stop people as a lot...
  8. Fielding

    Police Suggestion Traffic Wand/Stop Signal

    LEGENDS!!! Also to be fair I think this should be given to patrol as well! It's a generic police tool and nice for all!!! Also for some info The small cone like one is a static red or Orange light The round one has a reflex around it and in the middle it emits a red blinking light. Ill grab...
  9. Fielding

    Police Suggestion Traffic Wand/Stop Signal

    Sounds good man! And yeah thats what I heard. Would be amazing if you could and we had a nice modeller that were willing to do it :)
  10. Fielding

    Police Suggestion Traffic Wand/Stop Signal

    Basically this. But would be nice to have. It's also not super common in US afaik
  11. Fielding

    Police Suggestion Traffic Wand/Stop Signal

    It would be handheld, maybe my point was off sorry Basically I meant you hold it and it helps make it clear you are being stopped and is easier to spot then wait til you are in voice range Its just a handheld red light basically
  12. Fielding

    Police Suggestion Traffic Wand/Stop Signal

    Suggestion Title: Traffic Wand/Stop Signal Suggestion Description: It would be nice to see a tool that could be used by RTO's or even officers to help stop or make it clear to vehicles they are being stopped for a traffic control or violation. Currently there are a lot of situations where...
  13. Fielding

    Server Suggestion Self enforcing 3.21: Make NPCs react to violent crime.

    I like, but I think it'd be nice if it applies to RC npc's too imo
  14. Fielding

    Police Suggestion Radio Channels

    This could work but has been denied in the past and officers are also probably too dense for this to work as intended. Good idea but dosent work here imho
  15. Fielding


  16. Fielding

    Police Suggestion Weapon confiscation

    Maybe then force cops to atleast store it in their car or summin
  17. Fielding

    When Playing EM4 With Fielding Goes Wrong

    For those wondering: Multiplayer with mods on em4 is lovely. You can play up to 4 players and organzie it pretty well Game is also very cheap for interested ppl
  18. Fielding

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2023 - Results!

    @Eric Jonson 8.2% gang
  19. Fielding

    Principle of Proportionality

    I stg its more annoying to get a 1 year sentence then 5 years low key
  20. Fielding

    Principle of Proportionality

    Supervisors will need to pay attention on duty, and people can make IA's for an harsh sentence I still want lawyers :rolleyes:
  21. Fielding

    Update Log 08/11/2023

    Any change is wierd, we try and if it dosent work we try something else!
  22. Fielding

    Community Spotlight - October 2023

    he hosted gulag, survival and 2 gungames you guys missed out L
  23. Fielding


    I see you have an interest in the friendly american seeing as you remembered his post from march. SUS
  24. Fielding

    You better, you have a duty as a unbanned player to attend server startups...

    You better, you have a duty as a unbanned player to attend server startups...
  25. Fielding

    You gonna get on motherfucker? Respectfully

    You gonna get on motherfucker? Respectfully
  26. Fielding

    Server Suggestion New Mayor Policies

    Its like current policies, if the extra mercedes is there, and then the mayor dies, the mercedes stays until despawned - i.e property stays owned until it dosent
  27. Fielding

    Gun giveaway

    Juan Fielding 224-1429 57
  28. Fielding

    Server Suggestion Emergency Alert

    What if giving this to the police/fire/ems command can do this as well/instead? Emergency services and government in norway can give out emergency alerts as well so would make sence
  29. Fielding

    Model Suggestion Give Paramedic Supervisors+ an incident command vehicle

    perhaps have an invisible radius around it where if there are multiple people on scene the vehicle will "triage" them and put cards over their bodies signifying their status or giving a cpr and defib bonus to emt's?