Search results

  1. Lichtmann

    Police Suggestion Assign yourself to the latest incident via shorcut

    Would be nice considering i always have ot go into Police Computer to assign myself to a Car Alarm. To know which vehicle i'm going to have to chase.
  2. Lichtmann

    Perpheads and Mental Health: A conversation

    I got more angry. It's also very exhausting talking to people if you play as a Cop. I know it's a oldest tale and quick remedy would be not playing but i would wish people who interact with me can remember that i'm also a human being with feelings and not some punching bag you can use to load of...
  3. Lichtmann

    Model Suggestion Add combat gloves For officers

    RTU should just get a White Cap considering they are managing traffic.
  4. Lichtmann

    Police Suggestion Taxation ideas

    A questione which pops up time to time is what exactly does the city invest in ? I read some made up excuses about eco-friendliy efforts or massive collisions
  5. Lichtmann

    Police Suggestion Taxation ideas

    I don't see as a bad idea considering this happens also in IRL. Police in Vienna gets small percentage of the money from tickets they give out and the rest goes to the city funds. We also gain money from confiscating weapons and other illegal items so i don't see issue with issuing fines.
  6. Lichtmann

    Traffic or Patrol

    Patrol dosen't have much to offer which makes it a unfair competition.
  7. Lichtmann

    Thanks mate :D

    Thanks mate :D
  8. Lichtmann

    Thanks mate, i appericate it

    Thanks mate, i appericate it
  9. Lichtmann

    Police Suggestion Making a App for Cops to access Police Database

    Suggestion Title: Making a App for Cops to access Police Database Suggestion Description: Basically whenever a Officer gets on-duty his Telephone receives access to App where he has access to Police Computer. It can also be used by fellow emergency workers. Why should this be added...
  10. Lichtmann

    Cold Showers

    Hot Showers, i don't like that feeling of cold water running down my shoulders.
  11. Lichtmann

    Kendrick's Helper app

    +1 Whenever i interacted with Kendrick he seems to be a helpful and nice guy. I think he wants to invest more into this community so i would like to endorse that.
  12. Lichtmann

    Server Suggestion Civilians and LEO be able to do CPR

    I think CPR should be inclusive for evreyone considering it's a useful tool. Giving it only one division even though this is something that evreyone can do isn't really fair.
  13. Lichtmann

    Server Suggestion Civilians and LEO be able to do CPR

    CPR is something that all emergency services learn in their Training.
  14. Lichtmann

    If you could eat any dvd in the world, what would it be and why

    Do i receive knowledge from said DVDs when i eat them ?
  15. Lichtmann

    Before and Now

    I joined 2016. Can't really remember much from that time unfortunatly. Isn't particularly good memories i had.
  16. Lichtmann

    Ninjas With Attitude (N.W.A.)

    Can i join your organisation ?
  17. Lichtmann

    Improving 12.1 Jaywalking Law

    It's not only sweaters i saw in paste days and months. People are just too lazy to use overpass so they think they can quickly bolt through Intersection while it's Red as if there isn't someone who could drive recklessly and kill them or emergency vehicle is on it's way to a Situation.
  18. Lichtmann

    Thank you Fredy and the Perpheads team

    Not gonna lie but i thought about Perpheads the entire time as i was watching this video how he dismantle absolute Absurdity to pay for things that we take for common sense to have.
  19. Lichtmann

    Update Log 21/02/2023

    The Fourth Male with Chevron Moustache kind of looks like my grandpa. I'll take that i always wanted to look like a old turkish man.
  20. Lichtmann

    The Best Stakeout Of my PLPD career

    Yeah, that was really my highlight of my career.
  21. Lichtmann

    Model Suggestion Civilian version of the nightstick melee

    I honestly think certain melee objects should be legal considering they are IRL. Don't know if it's possible to add pepper spray for police and civil use.
  22. Lichtmann

    Improving 12.1 Jaywalking Law

    Even if we don't add a jail sentence, the fine maxium needs to be increased. 750$ is nothing in terms of Paralake standards.
  23. Lichtmann

    Improving 12.1 Jaywalking Law

    I can understand to a certain degree that a new player would break this rule but i also see very commonly experienced ones doing it. None the less it becomes a growing problem and most cops, paramedics can't attend to these people when they get hit because of more urgent matters pressing them.
  24. Lichtmann

    Improving 12.1 Jaywalking Law

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: 12.1 Jaywalking What law do you wish to change/add: Changing the Fine maxium from 750$ to 2000$. Why should this change/addition be made: I've noticed that recently people just simply run through the Intersection because it's quicker then...
  25. Lichtmann

    Server Suggestion CPR on regular people

    I think for Cops it's useful considering we have very few Paramedics on-duty and we tend to respond first on the scene. I mean atleast give Cops ability to perform CPR, it's like basic 101 for evrey emergency service to know first aid.
  26. Lichtmann


    The Roleplay Server i used to play shutdown. I joined Perpheads 2016 but came back this November.
  27. Lichtmann

    What videogame are you most passionate about?

    You guys organized a Group in Arma 3? Can i join in ? I enjoyed Deponia and it's Trilogy and Doomsday. Reminds me of good old days. I played a lot of Arma 3 with my Unit previously but they stopped because evreyone had a burnout Hearts of Iron 4 (Kaiserredux and Vanilla) War Thunder
  28. Lichtmann

    Encounters/Experiences IRL with Police

    I was allowed to attend a Police Internship here in Vienna. In the Morning we gathered at a Police Station and followed Police Officers on their Footpatrol. We got to meet mulitple branches of the Police Forces and went into headquaters of those various branches. Was pretty nice getting to see...
  29. Lichtmann

    Model Suggestion TFU Helmet (without armour)

    Could be for Premium Players and they get access to the Wardrobe by the Armory. It would be nice for example if RTU receive a White Police Cap to denote that they are part of the Traffic Police and that Supervisors and higher ranks Shield color of they're Hats change based on their Rank.
  30. Lichtmann

    Do you work in public services or healthcare?

    My Mom works in Public Transportation. I applied aswell as a Tram Driver and made it the first phase and might make it.