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  1. Apollo


  2. Apollo

    AR on Bertie

    1. Stormzi you're irrelevant please don't post on this thread because as far as I'm concerned you're not involved. 2. This server is supposedly all about realism. REALISTICALLY nobody would drag a car on it's side across a highway. They would stop the tow truck and quickly READJUST where he put...
  3. Apollo

    AR on Bertie

    To add, nobody in their right mind would continue driving like that. It's as unrealistic as can be.
  4. Apollo

    AR on Bertie

    Please put a hold because I have friends who were in pursuit of him and they have demos showing the car was flipped on it's side the whole way. Also, in what world does a car flip on its side and the driver just continues driving? REALISTICALLY, they would stop the car and find a way to get it...
  5. Apollo

    AR on Bertie

    Watch at 5 seconds, you can see a slight but noticeable turn that came from the player, indicating he was there and did not crash Cake's comment is very relevant to the mingeing accusations and the claims of crashing. Also shows that Bertie lied in his reply to the AR saying he didn't know the...
  6. Apollo

    AR on Bertie

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Apollo/ Kenji Akimoto His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Bertie*TRADING*/Bertie Bennet His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39724163 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Minging as a roadcrew, dragging a car unrealistically and then claiming he "crashed" Evidence (Demo Required): Tick:
  7. Apollo

    [Awaiting Decision] [SUGGESTION] 2.8 discussion

    Forced ERP makes me ashamed to play this server. Like when I tell my friends I play perpheads it mind as well be just as embarrassing as them finding my porn history because of all the erp. it's just 10x more cringe than looking at someone else's porn history. +Support
  8. Apollo

    thats 10.1 im calling cops and its slander ur banned bye cya l8r kid.

    thats 10.1 im calling cops and its slander ur banned bye cya l8r kid.
  9. Apollo

    AR on Apollo

    To clarify, the first man I saw was not shot by me as far as I know. I only killed Adrish, and prefired knowing he would be there. This isn't a random prefire, it's an educated guess and almost a certainty that someone would be defending there. This is due to a previous fail raid where he...
  10. Apollo

    AR on Apollo

    Will upload POV ASAP, on my screen i rushed in prefiring to the right as my earlier attempt to lockpick you were strategically wallbanging me from there, just trying to find the right demo. Me not showing up for you could of course be latency because im an NA player but I rushed in. I should...
  11. Apollo

    AR Frankie Costello, John Doe

    Thank you for correcting the names for me, and I apologize for letting ooc matters take over RP.
  12. Apollo

    AR Frankie Costello, John Doe

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Apollo/Chester Collingsworth His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Tomas Costello, Thomas Frederick, Trevor Rodriguez, ijokerxo (steam name), mooneyney His/Her SteamID: Unknown Why Should This Player Be Punished: This group of 3 people, who I am not completely sure was in it...