Search results

  1. Harley

    @Madlyn wel goed, bedankt voor het vragen :D

    @Madlyn wel goed, bedankt voor het vragen :D
  2. Harley

    Wnr meetup @speklolly02 @curak

    Wnr meetup @speklolly02 @curak
  3. Harley

    Gelukkige verjaardag makker

    Gelukkige verjaardag makker
  4. Harley

    crackstuffers hahahahha

    crackstuffers hahahahha
  5. Harley


  6. Harley

    kk op curak ga geen walloon uithangen

    kk op curak ga geen walloon uithangen
  7. Harley

    Community Decal Update - 09/02/2022

    @curak merci voor er het nationalisitch idea
  8. Harley

    Server Suggestion Message sound

    Suggestion Title: Message sound Suggestion Description: Be able to receive messages silently, same as when you get called with the silent ringtone feature. Why should this be added?: - Police won't raid you because they hear a message sound coming from a suspect (which is unrealistic...
  9. Harley

    What is your country less knowed fact?

  10. Harley


  11. Harley

    kk debiel, was net van plan elke dag 10 uur perp te spelen:cool:

    kk debiel, was net van plan elke dag 10 uur perp te spelen:cool:
  12. Harley

    Add a /card command

    That would end up as a complete fkfest if you have to type /card for every card
  13. Harley

    Crypto Currency according to the wyckoff strat. utad ( upthrust after distribution) can be much higher.
  14. Harley

    Crypto Currency

    Also for the people thinking the bull run is over, every bullrun has a retrace midway. btc 100k+ this year
  15. Harley

    Crypto Currency

    Bought at 9 cents, im not selling. Nano is also very interresting. 0 fees, fast, infinite transactions and energy efficient, 1 btc transaction equals 6 mill nano transactions energy wise
  16. Harley

    Crypto Currency

    Hbar, nano. Currently my main holdings
  17. Harley

    The Square

    @walnash You are a wonderfull dad for Adolf, teaching him the hard way. I knew selling him to you was a great idea and worth the child trafficing sentence. Btw I've got more babies in stock hmu
  18. Harley

    Blacklist Apology (Curak)

    Punishment Type: Blacklist Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: Curak How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months Your Steam Name: Harley Crack Your Roleplay Name: Harley Mack Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:183271065 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.1...
  19. Harley

    Increase the yield from "growing" drugs

    I'm not against this, I like the idea. But not a fan of the suggestion of chris. It would cause people to harvest before a raid giving more aids for raiders. Instead of having y=x make it y=x^2 or something like that. so 50% would give you 25% total leaves in return. with y: % of total leaves...
  20. Harley

    Increase the yield from "growing" drugs

    like anyone follows that rule, couldn't be me
  21. Harley

    Increase the yield from "growing" drugs

    People would harvest instantly before a raid. Reason people defend bases is to defend their plants etc.
  22. Harley

    OOC ban

    Appealing for: OOC ban Appeal type: Dispute Which staff member banned you: @curak Your Steam Name: Harley Mack Your In-game Name: Harley crack Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:183271065 Why were you banned?: Why do you feel the...
  23. Harley

    We gaan toch iets moeten doen tegen die verwarde curak. Deze keer is het omdat ik "kk pedofiel...

    We gaan toch iets moeten doen tegen die verwarde curak. Deze keer is het omdat ik "kk pedofiel zei in ooc". @Madlyn
  24. Harley

    Reintroduction of the Trophy system for the forums

    It are rewards many people appreciate. Gives you the chance to set different goals. I would love to see rewards based on playtime as roadcrew, taxi, mayor etc
  25. Harley

    Police Suggestion Re-add mini sights to the patrol armoury

    yeah but the famas is aids anyways, im talking bout berreta etc.
  26. Harley

    Police Suggestion Re-add mini sights to the patrol armoury

    A sight wont make u better, just improve your aim
  27. Harley

    Server time capsule 2020

  28. Harley

    Harm is net een zon, sta je in de buurt dan word het meteen heet

    Harm is net een zon, sta je in de buurt dan word het meteen heet
  29. Harley

    $2 Million Dollar Giveaway!

    H. Crack
  30. Harley

    Ik voel bijna een traantje komen

    Ik voel bijna een traantje komen