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  1. Pashion Rakku

    Husky's AR on Pashion Rakku Ban evading

    lol, that's not me. Many peoples' names are zover.
  2. Pashion Rakku

    AR on Pashion Rakku

    @0:40 you trespass into my home. I stood right beside that wall because the only way I would have seen you is if you came into my home. Pluss as you can see in the video you body blocked my door for the intent of not letting it close.
  3. Pashion Rakku

    I don't think I have broken the forum rules. Just because I make a lot of AR and Enemies does...

    I don't think I have broken the forum rules. Just because I make a lot of AR and Enemies does not mean I should be forum banned.
  4. Pashion Rakku

    I know, thats what makes it funny

    I know, thats what makes it funny
  5. Pashion Rakku

    It's #FuckTheOrangePeople

    It's #FuckTheOrangePeople
  6. Pashion Rakku

    See shit like this I like to see. Not people just spitting nonsense and bittering. If you are...

    See shit like this I like to see. Not people just spitting nonsense and bittering. If you are going to shoot shade than at least make it funny.
  7. Pashion Rakku

    AR on Husky & Jeremiah Anderson

    "Why Should This Player Be Punished:" Did you not read the reasons? And you deleted the video on youtube. That's got to be against the rules, to destroy evidence. 3.4 - "freedom from imprisonment" You took an AK outside of you apartment just to see who drove up. If a cop saw you than he could...
  8. Pashion Rakku

    The only reason I am so strict is that my friend was banned for 2 months for reasons that were...

    The only reason I am so strict is that my friend was banned for 2 months for reasons that were untrue and reasons that another person did in front of the mod that banned him. And that person did not get in trouble.
  9. Pashion Rakku

    AR on Husky & Jeremiah Anderson

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Pashion Rakku His/Her Steam/In-game Name: James Husky & Jeremiah Anderson His/Her SteamID: n/a Why Should This Player Be Punished: Huskey broke 2.1 because he went out of his apartment with an AK just to investigate who drove up. Huskey broke 3.4 because he risks his...
  10. Pashion Rakku

    AR on Pashion Rakku

    I drove past his parked car a couple of times (He was at Gas Station Next to Car Dealer). And I thought why would he be there. So my friend and I searched Scrap Yard and the other 2 places next to it (they were all unknown). We found drugs hidden behind an unacceptable trailer and we carried...
  11. Pashion Rakku

    John Smith

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Pashion Rakku His/Her Steam/In-game Name: John Smith His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:34067978 Why Should This Player Be Punished: RDM me in the PD. Evidence (Demo Required): Tick:
  12. Pashion Rakku

    Orange People Ruin the server for New People

    YOU KNOW WHAT! I am making an Org... I am going to call it The Hopeful Cakes Yeah, I am liking that name
  13. Pashion Rakku

    Orange People Ruin the server for New People

    Can't do that when yah got no money. I bet I could do that but I am American and have a one second delay for every action I do in the server. One second delay when shooting, driving, etc...
  14. Pashion Rakku

    Orange People Ruin the server for New People

    My whole point here is that they need to STOP raiding the poor freshy's that has diddly squat to what they have. Its so F*CKING annoying when you just get enough money for seeds and they come along with F**KING BOMBS and blow your SH*T UP and take everything.
  15. Pashion Rakku

    Orange People Ruin the server for New People

    And OMG don't get me started with them screeching and yelling things like Yeet all the time.
  16. Pashion Rakku

    Orange People Ruin the server for New People

    Since the first day, I joined the server I have gotten raided by them. I get raided by them more than once every day. I constantly see them raiding so many people. How is this allowed? It ruining people's experience on the server. It sure as well ruining mine.
  17. Pashion Rakku

    AR on Henry

    In the third picture, Huskey easily proved you wrong about the defamation statement you made about me. Now you are just belittling me and my statements which are breaking the TaR of the forums. TaR: "You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive...
  18. Pashion Rakku

    Husky's AR on Pashion

    I have never received your friends request on steam. So what happens?
  19. Pashion Rakku

    Husky's AR on Pashion

    0:32 he breaks Rp and says "you can't mug me on the stair case" 0:33 His friend Jeremish jumps off the railing and attempts to kill me. He broke 2.1 & 3.3 0:47 He breaks Rp and says "Are you trying to RDM me or something" "Demo Required" You did not show the rest of the interaction. He gets a...
  20. Pashion Rakku

    AR on Henry

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Pashion Rakku His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Henry | هنري His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:54209905 Why Should This Player Be Punished: A person in ooc asked who mugged him (which was I) and Henry told him it was me which is Meta Gaming. Then he started to slander me and say that...
  21. Pashion Rakku

    What does this mean?

    He is trying to make an appeal about his ban but it says he does not have the privilege to. Is there a discord where he can get help?
  22. Pashion Rakku

    What does this mean?

    When people get banned the staff has a choice to "Block" them what does that do? Spanky Chicken Mooney 2 mo BAN DETAILS Player Spanky Chicken No Demos Steam ID STEAM_0:1:126377072 Steam3 ID '][U:1:252754145] Steam Community 76561198213019873 Invoked on 07-Aug-2017 00:30 Banlength 2 mo...
  23. Pashion Rakku

    Staff Abusing People's Emotions

    How much control does one need on the server? So much control to where none shall express any emotion into their language? Or enough control to where one shall use emotion in their language but shall not use vulgar language? How does one know how much control is needed on the server?
  24. Pashion Rakku

    Staff Abusing People's Emotions

    I am I am not saying that it should be aloud. I am saying that staff don't know how to handle someone who his whole life he was able to express what he thinks but is limited to express him self on the server.
  25. Pashion Rakku

    Staff Abusing People's Emotions

    But where does the line cross? Can a staff ban someone for an attitude and disrespect even when there is another person instigating him right in front of the staff.
  26. Pashion Rakku

    Staff Abusing People's Emotions

    Liks it's very discouraging when you have a disagreement with a staff. Because then they can ban you for disrespect and a whole bunch of other stuff. A lot of people can't just get raped and hold in their thoughts and anger (metaphor). We are human and like to express our opinions and emotions...
  27. Pashion Rakku

    Rule Help

    Ok, well how about 2 seconds. I just put a timecode on the video and the officer cuffed 3 people under 2.207 seconds. Is that allowed? " 3.3 Realistic Actions All actions a player makes must be done as realistically as possible, especially during combat; for example, when jumping up-to, or...
  28. Pashion Rakku

    Rule Help

    Can an Officer cuff 3 people under 1 second? Seems like that would be an unrealistic action to do. And can an Officer search someone's storage inside their home for stolen items?
  29. Pashion Rakku

    AR on 3 people

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Pashion Rakku His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Strobez His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:97845870 Why Should This Player Be Punished: (Broke 2.1 & 3.4) He heard gun shots and came to the home I was raiding (the gun shot was me killing someone). He came to the sink window and took a...
  30. Pashion Rakku

    AR on Henry

    Please provide a demo. And it was not safety, I could still see you.