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  1. NiebuhrBeast

    Allahu action request ackbar

    I was meant to die in that attack :((
  2. NiebuhrBeast

    It's been great, but this is it.

    Niebuhr.Beast / Matty Abdullah, signing out. Reasons: - Lack of interest. - Starting on Gymnasium (Atleast that is what it is called in Danish). - Lack of time. So tomorrow I'm starting on Gymnasium, which is basically gonna be a whole new chapter in my life! It's also gonna be very time...
  3. NiebuhrBeast

    Ban request on Norman Beige

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Niebuhr.Beast/Matty Abdullah His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unknown/Norman Beige His/Her SteamID: Unknown Why Should This Player Be Punished: First video: I was giving Norman Beige a ticket for illegal parking at the PD, when he comes up next to me and start punching me...
  4. NiebuhrBeast

    Walker and Feng rushing in.

    So me, @John Daymon, @Feng Yamaguchi and @Walker decided to do a small raid on the bazaar shops... with bombs. It was all fun and games, until Walker and Feng suddenly were struck with alzheimers, and thereby forgot that we planted two bombs. They decided to rush in when the first bomb blew...
  5. NiebuhrBeast

    The sweater-vest thread

    Saw these fine gentlemen at the bazaar today, looking for some guns to plow down anyone in their way. They quickly found out noone was selling guns less than 1k, so they decided to move on and beat someone down with a bat, hoping he would drop a gun for them. I was barely able of...
  6. NiebuhrBeast

    Classic Aaron

    What was that. Faggot.
  7. NiebuhrBeast

    BR |Willaim White [3.26, 3.24 and 1.4] + Robinn Banks Missuse of firearms [2 BR in one]

    Nicely done. Perfectly shows the whole sit where rules were broken in my presence. Nice job, Aaron.
  8. NiebuhrBeast


    I would like to recommend Daymon for several reasons. In admin sits he always has the ability to calm people down and make them see the obvious things, like what they did wrong and why. Another thing is that his RP is amazing. He always comes around a RP situation very good and realisticly, with...
  9. NiebuhrBeast


  10. NiebuhrBeast

    Goodbye to the community

    Omg, why!? I should have let you change your last name to Abdullah, sorry I didn't you fat prick. I love you though, in a weird American way <3 Hope you'll come back sometime, else I wish you good luck with whatever you're gonna do, and the best of happiness. y u no add me to list feg
  11. NiebuhrBeast

    Fix the fireextinguisher

    Topic: Fixing the fireextinguisher Short explanation: - It's useless. - The fire just becomes uncontrolable before you can do anything. Detailed description: I would like to have the fireextinguisher buffed or rather said; FIXED, as it is complete and utterly useless. Here's a video from...
  12. NiebuhrBeast

    A clusterfuck of a police sit

    Thanks though <3
  13. NiebuhrBeast

    Velkommen til vores org, din feg. Alt den rødgrød med fløde du kan spise er inkluderet ಠ_ಠ

    Velkommen til vores org, din feg. Alt den rødgrød med fløde du kan spise er inkluderet ಠ_ಠ
  14. NiebuhrBeast

    Looking for a keyboard This one is great, you can ask Abdi. And German manufacturer, Trande ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  15. NiebuhrBeast


  16. NiebuhrBeast

    David Green

  17. NiebuhrBeast


  18. NiebuhrBeast

    hello, wanker

    hello, wanker
  19. NiebuhrBeast

    Thanks bb

    Thanks bb
  20. NiebuhrBeast

    La Cosa Nostra

    Ye, that's right. Prepare for the rekoning, scrubs ಠ_ಠ
  21. NiebuhrBeast

    RIP Luke

    You probably hired that sweatervest to lure the mayor out of the house. Noone can resist a cute sweatervest.
  22. NiebuhrBeast

    Close Please

    I would liek 2 join becus i am new in za server and i only haz 5 bans and 14 warnings, but dat is just becus the admons are some cunts, especially dat guy "Loejseren". such a feggit. my favurit wepon iz bereta, i onebang everione with it. ingame-name: Matty Scrub
  23. NiebuhrBeast

    Good Fellas

    rip in matty
  24. NiebuhrBeast

    Ban request on Billy Belinsky (IC name)

    I know and I do regret that I let my frustation take over me because of my wrecked car, and I do see that. I know I had a gun on me in a public setting but it was fairly dark, the NPCs in the COS Hardware store would have a hard time seeing the gun on my back when it was dark and I was standing...
  25. NiebuhrBeast

    Ban request on Billy Belinsky (IC name)

    I know that getting a gun out of my trunk was going to the extremes, but I realised that and therefor put it back and went off. Thereby I think that there simply would not be enough time for the NPCs to phone the police, and for the police to arrive in time before me going away from the...
  26. NiebuhrBeast

    Heavy Police Vehicle (SUV)

    +support A very good idea for example blocking off the intersection, since it is pretty risky to stand on the highway as an officer and await the vehicle that is being pursuited to put down roadspikes. But add it as a speed enforcement car only.
  27. NiebuhrBeast

    Ban request on Billy Belinsky (IC name)

    Your story doesn't make sense... you were talking about that you told the roadcrew to be quiet about you killing me, and now you're saying that you fixed it yourself with a wrench? Sorry to say, but you are tripping over your own feet. Also, if you would be so kind to check my demo, you can see...
  28. NiebuhrBeast

    Ban request on Billy Belinsky (IC name)

    As you can see in the demo I was revived really quickly after you had shot me (about 40 seconds or so), so I do not see how you would manage to tell all the NPCs and the roadcrew to not say anyhing about it, drag my body away from the road and how the roadcrew would be able to arrive and tow...
  29. NiebuhrBeast

    Ban request on Billy Belinsky (IC name)

    Ikr? My fists are so sick that they are just like a gun. I shall remember to always have my hands in my pockets so the popo doesn't see them.