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  1. OilyPussy

    Closed beta of Wiseguys from facepunch

    @orzel1244 @Ethan No Ethan, I am.
  2. OilyPussy

    Brikaas's Birthday Giveaway!

    This shit is rigged
  3. OilyPussy

    WEEB SALE!!!

    That was really funny 10/10
  4. OilyPussy

    remove bazaar market tables

    I totally agree, forcing the removal would affect non-vip players but having the choice to have it or not would make everyone else pretty happy.
  5. OilyPussy

    [HELP] How to Cook Pasta?

    Take some notes :
  6. OilyPussy

    Brikaas's Birthday Giveaway!

    I'll take 19 because fuck 18
  7. OilyPussy

    Fix the fishing rods

    Edited just for you honey
  8. OilyPussy

    Fix the fishing rods

    Main Idea: When a player leaves the server or crash, the fishing rods will most likely glitch. Full description of the idea: When you disconnect, the fishing rods will stay on the server for a small time before disappearing. This I don't have any problem with it. If you reconnect after the...
  9. OilyPussy

    lets build paralake

    God damn it's awesome ip please??
  10. OilyPussy

    FattyFatCow Rdm

    You didn't seem sorry for real, you were just scared of getting banned for minging. The whole time you just wanted to shoot your weapon at someone's head. I was alone over there and never met the hummer dude. Even if it would've been my friend, that was no freaking reason to shoot an unarmed...
  11. OilyPussy

    FattyFatCow Rdm

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Oilypussy / Smithy Smith His/Her Steam/In-game Name: FattyFatCow / Timithy ...... His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33026751 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5 Excessive Negativity Evidence (Demo Required): I invited my friend over to show...
  12. OilyPussy


  13. OilyPussy

    Always tie your shoelaces
  14. OilyPussy

    Ayyy we sure do, cats are awesome !

    Ayyy we sure do, cats are awesome !
  15. OilyPussy

    AR on Freedor21

    I agree on the dcing ban but for the weapon, I don't see the point in extending the ban. He technically could've dropped to the floor without losing grip of the weapon (realistically). And even if you're saying that "I would like to point out that me and the officer both had our firearms out and...
  16. OilyPussy

    giveaway ok

    I want a reroll
  17. OilyPussy

    ATTEMPT To Optimize The Server As Much as possible??

    Yes that's what I meant, I know that a lot of cars at the same place is more demanding. I'm just really wondering if the same ammount of car Without any lights is the same with lights. I will try to do a test when I have some time unless everyone supports the fact that lights do not affect...
  18. OilyPussy

    ATTEMPT To Optimize The Server As Much as possible??

    I have a really good computer at my main home so appart from a 200 ping, I do not have any FPS drop when there is a lot of people online. Today I played on a medium computer and the most fps drops I had was when an incident occurs (one person shoots one bullet at bazaar) The whole government...
  19. OilyPussy

    giveaway ok

    Thanks for the 100k LOLOLOL
  20. OilyPussy


    Well, looks like my poor ass has no other option... Dr. Dräjj has the best aim on Perp
  21. OilyPussy


    God daaaaym I'd be more than oily
  22. OilyPussy

    AR on Charle.

    Yes I shot once toward you it was unintentional, you scared me but I managed to miss the shot fortunately. Afterward I told you multiple times to stop and put your hands up. Clearly I wasn't going to shoot you.
  23. OilyPussy

    AR on Charle.

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Oilypussy / Bob Bissonnette His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Charle. / I don't know. His/Her SteamID: I don't know. Why Should This Player Be Punished: During a police raid on slums, the accused wanted to help his friends. He took his car and tryed to cdm me and another...
  24. OilyPussy

    Montage #2

    Awesome montage man ! That nade kill at the end 10/10. :dead:
  25. OilyPussy

    AR on rdm gang

    I would like to support this thread, these 4 people have been "bullying" me for 30minutes. I have a demo of them mugging me in the middle of the streets but the demo is black (I can see the chat and hear but that's it my recording is black...) If anyone knows how to fix this please tell me :p...
  26. OilyPussy

    First time you joined perp

    Yeah lol I had a friend that wants to play PUBG everytime he sees me online :rolleyes:
  27. OilyPussy

    PERPHeads Staff Team Easter Giveaway

    Hi where is the bathroom ?
  28. OilyPussy

    First time you joined perp

    Wasn't on this server, but my first PERP experience was in 2011, the oldest screenshot I can find is from June 30th 2011 when I was 15 years old. Perp Screenshots nostalgia Played perp for 2 whole years which even 8 years later I still think about all the fun and friends I had. So yeah, I...