
  1. PLPD Professional Standards

    Record Searching

    Hello everyone, It has been brought to our attention that there has been an increase in the amount of cases where PLPD employees have been inappropriately searching employee records. We would like to remind everyone that all information found on records is restricted and attempting to access...
  2. Super_

    Cracking down on Metagaming

    Cracking down on Metagaming Hello everyone. It has recently been brought to our attention that there have been more cases of people communicating via third-party applications such as TeamSpeak, Discord, etc. on the server during RP situations - primarily shootouts and other situations where...
  3. StephenPuffs

    Weapon Update Announcement

    Ok so first off let me say, thank you all for being patient about letting this update take its time. It has been an adventure for all of us trying to get it to work in every way: from first person models, to third person models, to items dropped, to inventory displays. Source Engine wasn't...