
  1. SadBoy

    Wood Working Crating List

    Hello fellow Paralake citizens! Recently I've been embarking on levelling up my crafting, firearms and finally Wood Working. I thought it would be handy to have a list similar to the Weapons and Attachments guide we already have that helps players to quickly see what they can craft as they...
  2. Kevko

    My Weapon Crafting Spreadsheet

    Hey guys, I made myself a spreadsheet for weapon crafting, pricing and more. I know there is already one out here and I used it to make mine (thanks to the creator), but I disliked that there were pages you had to click to see magazine prices etc.. Maybe some of you would prefer mine, so I...
  3. sergey

    org recruitment BROOKES CRIME FAMILY

    hey guys... im glad to anounce we are now recruiting experienced fraggers and crafters. also looking for chill people that will take a ban for their organization if needed. // requirements: name yourself brookes as last name. have 2mil of stuff or more. cars guns etc. get green clothed. //...
  4. Eistee von Aldi


    ALDI SÜD is the #1 legal org in Paralake right now Our dedicated members have established an almost permanent presence in the Paralake business district. We offer: firearms equipment crafting services (at 40k/hr) and logistics. OUR TEAM: CURRENTLY HIRING: "security advisor" (REFERRAL...
  5. Aquaa

    Waypo - Paralake's Own Online Retail Service

    Our objective is to become the main supplier of Paralake City Online Retailing - Besides from being a new interesting and smarter way of purchasing a firearm, ordering weapons online also means that you won’t have to rely on bazaar shops and their small selection of firearms...
  6. Super_

    JD's Casinos & Crafting

    JD’s Casinos & Crafting ======================================================= Our Story: JD’s Casinos & Crafting was established by Jack Morman (@Super_ ) and Dylan Fielding (@Atomic ) to revive the success of the previous Atomic’s Crafting Industries and Jack’s Casino Franchise. After months...
  7. Harley

    Work bench

    Main Idea: Be able to place a work bench. Full description of the idea: You can place a work bench to speed up your crating speed. Why should it be added?: Some weapons are slow to make, With this you can speed it up a little bit. Im not talking about 50 % faster or something. Just like 10-35%...
  8. StephenPuffs

    Ammo Types

    I should preface this by saying, no matter which way the vote goes this is on the back burner and wouldn't be changed soon. When we first started PH we decided that we would keep it simple originally, but as any long term member would attest to PH has come a long way from where it began. So we...