Brief description of idea: Even IRL there are problems with radio protocol, not to mention perp, where even if dispatch is on-duty, he/she might have trouble making people stop talking when there is a serious incident going on, especially when sometimes there are 20+ officers on duty, usually...
Me and Duke money-ford were dispatching and then something terrible happened, a nuclear bomb hit Paralake leaving only the bunker that is the dispatch office, we had to take up refuge and shelter in the office we had enough supply to last us a few years. We made the place our home, as we had...
Brief description of idea: Bring back Senior Dispatcher rank
What benefits would this idea have for the department:
- In my experience as dispatcher I often find the ability to broadcast messages from the PLPD could be useful. I would like the Senior Dispatchers to be able to make these...
this is the v4 version of the map. For the latest version (V5), click here
hello here is a PLAIN map of Paralake City (with street names, no street name edition coming soon) in super high res.
Contact me for the original or editable version.
Okay, so where to start. First of all these two people deserve a recommendation:
@Kitty and @McYeke
Both went dispatcher the other day and did some amazing work. Amazing Teamwork skills, and coordinating themselves well. Both of which are new to the Dispatcher team, and both who will rise.
Deleted member 4084
educational video
Mr Zan's Suggestions #1: Dispatcher location change?
Dispatcher location change?
Short explanation (in notes):
Changing the Dispatcher area from somewhere out of the map to a visible area inside the Police Department.
Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
My idea is...