
  1. Kevko

    Kevko's PerpHeads Shenanigans #2

    Sup guys, I just made another montage of clips I collected over the last 1 and a half months. I highly recommend watching till the end as I tried to end the video with a very short hype montage. (very very short, I don't raid lol) Special thanks to everyone in the video making my days awesome! I...
  2. burningelmo

    Fatal car crash perphead

    If possible, comment and share the video, tryna make this one blow up
  3. Marv

    My perpheads funny moments recently

  4. KaneBigRoss

    Best YouTube Media Thread

    This is a thread showcasing your favourite YouTube content (Short or long form) Here are some bangers I can think of (with explanations): Pyrocynical - Fat Cry 3: If you've never watched Pyrocynical's latest style of content then I recommend starting with this video. Yes it's hours long but...
  5. Shaquille Oatmeal

    Moving a mini to the gas pump, filling it up, and bringing it back.

    So with the kinda "glitch" where if you stand right up against a car that doesnt have its handbrake on, you can move it.. I used that to move a mini from a parking spot to the gas pump, fill it up and bring it back. The whole ordeal took me 36 minutes. But for your viewing pleasure, i have sped...
  6. Evchil

    Perpheads funny gameplay video

    Hey there people! I decided to make a funny montage/video of Perpheads gameplay :D I posted it on youtube, so if you wanna check it out and give me some feedback about the video and what i do then that would be awesome! Thanks <3

    Encounters/Experiences IRL with Police

    Hi y'all it's me again, A post to find some interesting and funny replies for a change. Have you ever had encounters/experiences with the Police in IRL if so what? Can be anything from getting caught commiting a crime to just a funny thing to state. Curious to see who are both IC and IRL...
  8. Bab_Activated

    Season 3: Perpheads - Bryan's Return 2.

    Season 3 Episode 3! Thank you all for watching my content :D.

    PARALAKE's video about BAGEL crisis

    Have you even seen the psychopathic adventures of the moons ? If not find yourself enjoying the content before your very eyes TOBY HILL sends his greatest juju and introduces the world to the true potentials of fun.. Are you an actor in this film ? If so drop your name. or die. also Show me ur...

    PARALAKE's Psychopathic video.

    HELLO PEOPLE. i have created something for the people. My channel has 2 PERPHEAD VIDEOS so do feel free to enjoy them Comment or dont ! But if you see me around town with my wicked camera. swing by for a glamour shot Just don't tell @Ayjay :laughcry:
  11. Bab_Activated

    Season 3: Perpheads - Bryan's Return.

    Season 3 Episode 1! Thank you all for watching my content <3.
  12. MalekIsWeird

    Is This Guy Impounding A Freakin... Bambulance?
  13. Bab_Activated

    SEASON 3: Perpheads Trailer

    oh boy.
  14. Bab_Activated

    SEASON 2 FINALE: Perpheads Day 8-10

    Season 2 Finale! Thank you all for watching my content <3
  15. Bab_Activated

    SEASON 2: Perpheads Day 5-7

    Some content from the server. Pls like and sub, will continue to post ALOT of content from perpheads. Thanks. -Bab
  16. Bab_Activated

    SEASON 2: Perpheads Day 2-4

    Some content from the server. Pls like and sub, will continue to post ALOT of content from perpheads. Thanks. -Bab
  17. Bab_Activated

    SEASON 2: Perpheads Day 1 [Part 2]

    Some content from the server. Pls like and sub, will continue to post ALOT of content from Perpheads. Thanks. -Bab
  18. Bab_Activated

    Season 2: Perpheads Day 1 [Part 1]

    Some content from the server. Pls like and sub, will continue to post ALOT of content from Perpheads. Thanks. -Bab
  19. Bab_Activated

    Perpheads Day 9-10

    Some content from the server. Pls like and sub, will continue to post ALOT of content from Perpheads. Thanks. -Bab
  20. Bab_Activated

    Perpheads Day 7-8

    Some content from the server. Pls like and sub, will continue to post ALOT of content from Perpheads. Thanks. -Bab
  21. Bab_Activated

    Perpheads Day 5-6

    Some content from the server. Pls like and sub, will continue to post ALOT of content from perpheads. Thanks. -Bab
  22. kapi

    perp bruh moments #1

    Clip dump of the biggest bruh moments i've experienced in the past month, hope you enjoy.
  23. Saamchii

    Cop gets murdered by sweatervest.

    So i kinda admitted to a crime standing next to a cop and he tried to arrest me. i shot him, and i got 50K bloodmoney. Video:
  24. Jack P

    Killing muggers and got killed bye police and swat

    One of my friends and i, was doing drugs in slums apartment 1, someone came and sayed it was the police my friend knew it wasn't. I don't know how but he proberly had the feeling, also cause there was no police car, i just didn't think about that. The guy who sayed he was police, he "called the...
  25. Hayden

    Paralake Crane

    So earlier lots of people interacted and saw the Paralake Crane being operated by some people @Riekelt @Creepis and here is a video of what happened 1:25 = Shooting Go to 3:07 to see @Tom Hill hit it with a nightstick I recommend watching the whole video :P