
  1. Ava Black

    The Blood Diamonds - Applications and Inquiries

    Applications for the Black Diamond Mafia --- Want more Information? Read the Recruitment info! Black Diamond Recruitment Information *Application link is a Google form and has yet to be approved by the Mafia's Administration.* Google Form link: N/A
  2. Bob Boogly


    DEATH HOUNDS Founder: Bob Boogly, 845-9536 Description: Not the Heroes. Dressed in green, the members of DEATH HOUNDS understand the strength of the pack. Experienced members invest time and assets training newer members, for the stronger the individual link, the stronger the chain. Benefits...
  3. Slaughter Family

    Apply here, if accepted you will be contacted by the organisation on steam or in-game.
  4. Stady

    The Sanchez Family Recruiting!

    “Our principles are highest; honor, solidarity and vengeance. We know there’s no justice for us except we earn it. We earn respect.” Organization Rules: Keep secret information about whereabouts of accomplices Help other Family members. Never wear...
  5. StephenPuffs

    13-11-2015 Update log

    Some of you probably already noticed some of the changes that were added yesterday. Well considering I didn't know exactly when we might roll it out I didn't make an update log but here we go as there are some new changes for today as well. Organization Update! Now you can organize your...