“Evidence locker”

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Description of the idea:
Adding an “evidence locker“ to the PD observation room.

The evidence locker will work as such:

- Officers May take cuffed suspects to the evidence locker
- The evidence locker will allow players to place weapons inside whilst they are cuffed, but it will not allow them to store blatantly illegal items like drugs, or explosives. It also won’t allow fully legal items. Items placed into the locker cannot be withdrawn by police.
- Police will receive a text prompt via government chat, saying what Item has been placed in the locker.
- Police will have the option to confiscate the item, or send it to the players storage.
- A confirmation message will pop up, saying “You have chosen to destroy this *Item* belonging to *Player name*, do you confirm this?“ if the item is to be seized. Otherwise, it will come up with a prompt saying “You have chosen to return this *item name* to *Player name’s*’s storage, are you sure you want to do this?” if the item is to be returned to the players storage.

This will allow officers to let a suspect keep a weapon without sending them to prison with the item on their person.

Items put in the locker will return to the players storage if left in there for 20 minutes.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Allows officers to process Criminals without either sending them to prison armed, or seizing their firearms
- Allows police officers to be kind if they want to be, allowing for a better depth of community interaction.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Could be hard to implement
- Potential for misuse / lack of use
Description of the idea:
Adding an “evidence locker“ to the PD observation room.

The evidence locker will work as such:

- Officers May take cuffed suspects to the evidence locker
- The evidence locker will allow players to place weapons inside whilst they are cuffed, but it will not allow them to store blatantly illegal items like drugs, or explosives. It also won’t allow fully legal items. Items placed into the locker cannot be withdrawn by police.
- Police will receive a text prompt via government chat, saying what Item has been placed in the locker.
- Police will have the option to confiscate the item, or send it to the players storage.
- A confirmation message will pop up, saying “You have chosen to destroy this *Item* belonging to *Player name*, do you confirm this?“ if the item is to be seized. Otherwise, it will come up with a prompt saying “You have chosen to return this *item name* to *Player name’s*’s storage, are you sure you want to do this?” if the item is to be returned to the players storage.

This will allow officers to let a suspect keep a weapon without sending them to prison with the item on their person.

Items put in the locker will return to the players storage if left in there for 20 minutes.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Allows officers to process Criminals without either sending them to prison armed, or seizing their firearms
- Allows police officers to be kind if they want to be, allowing for a better depth of community interaction.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Could be hard to implement
- Potential for misuse / lack of use
Firstly, I like this idea. Think it'd have a lot of uses but mainly for weapons and such. However, if this isn't a thing already, why not have any illegal items on a person when they're sent to prison automatically go to storage? Then you simply confiscate any items requiring confiscation at the jails (which all officers can do) and the rest are sent to their storage by the jailer.

Adding onto this, being able to temporarily store nearby illegal items (drugs, guns, bobby pins etc.) in the back of the Police Transit Van or Police Escalade would be a realistic and utile addition - as opposed to leaving these items out in the open or forcing an officer to keep cosnstant watch on them. Any illegal objects within a certain vicinity could be placed and removed from the car similar to the function for putting in and removing suspects.

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