“You can’t shoot me” rant

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beware, rant

ok so I’ve been in plenty of situations as cop that goes like this:

unarmed flanker/caller/associate standing outside a shootout

officer gunpoints said flanker, tells him to put his hands up and get on the ground

flanker yells “you can’t shoot me” and walks around for like 2 minutes until you finally detain them/get shot by his mates.

ok, there’s no such thing as “you can’t shoot me”
You can’t ignore the gunpoint just because the policy restricts the poor officer from putting a bullet In your skull until he’s killed by your orgmates

thank you

rant over
im sorry but i have you under gunpoint and you run into a dark corner i'm seriously going to consider tasing or shooting you as you're a direct threat to my life. not doing this is only retarded as it will make crimmies just ignore us lmao
There have been times where I was a TFU sniper and I was looking at someone through my scope and they were just standing there in a middle of a shootout on their phone staring at me. I shot once by their side and they failed to move so I shot and killed him the next time. I think everyone who plans to go/be in a shootout in the future should understand that you don't need a gun to be killed. You don't have a shield or some guardian angel watching over you once you drop or appear to have no weapons. You will be shot if you are involved and arresting you is not a current option. At least that's how I used to do it and the only people who used to cry about it were the brain dead ones. If you don't want to run the risk of being shot then leave the shootout or better yet don't even go near it if possible. If you put yourself in harm's way then don't cry in OOC or to IA if you get what you deserve.
There have been times where I was a TFU sniper and I was looking at someone through my scope and they were just standing there in a middle of a shootout on their phone staring at me. I shot once by their side and they failed to move so I shot and killed him the next time. I think everyone who plans to go/be in a shootout in the future should understand that you don't need a gun to be killed. You don't have a shield or some guardian angel watching over you once you drop or appear to have no weapons. You will be shot if you are involved and arresting you is not a current option. At least that's how I used to do it and the only people who used to cry about it were the brain dead ones. If you don't want to run the risk of being shot then leave the shootout or better yet don't even go near it if possible. If you put yourself in harm's way then don't cry in OOC or to IA if you get what you deserve.
All you should do if someone is just standing in a shootout completely still is just shoot them, i think even as a cop considering if you cuff them their friends are instantly just gonna hop on and try killing you for no reason and as an admin its tiring even taking care of those situations as there are so many logs you have to go through.
Approached a shootout at slums with my 870, noticed two random sweatervests minging about, they both got detained but instead of staying where they were meant to stay they ran head first into the apartment complex while it wasn't secure.
Moments later when the door was opened and a shooter was contesting the point, they both exited just outside the door and stood there.
Me and another officer was directly hindered in doing what we were supposed to do, I tapped one of the sweatervests in their chest, and the other one got sent into the 6th dimension by the shooter.

It's safe to say that I won't give a fuck who you are, or think you are if you're putting our lives at risk.
I've done this multiple times in fact, once when a suspect was hindering my movement when a flanker or two was approaching the same location as I. I shot the suspect in the chest after exhausting all other options to free myself and proceeded to assist in taking down the flankers.

Every person sticking their head out to help neutralize a threat counts, things can go wrong very quickly without the manpower.
I've said this before, Fredy received an AR on him (guy who made the ar didn't know who it was at the time) a long time ago for shooting a suspect hindering his movement.
It was justified as the suspect was both breaking 3.4 and confirmed to have been involved with a property resisting to cooperate + they were known to be armed. It escalated into a shootout shortly before this though.

Let's just put it this way, don't got any other options? Shoot to incapacitate, not to kill. They're unarmed and probably deserve it, but it isn't necessary.
I've had a suspect position himself in front of me as I was covering an apartment window, I would have shot my own suspect if it came to it, but it didn't, and he got a fat sentence for obstruction, failure to cooperate and all that fun stuff.
Then moments later wrote a fat report on him as well.

Assess the situation, what can you do? Anyone able to help you? Is this person a threat to me, or someone else? Am I out of options?
This is a thought process you should have when making a decision on whether or not to shoot a seemingly unarmed, uncuffed and/or handcuffed suspect.

Every single person that's either unarmed, not contributing to the shootout in any form of way, and in a way that isn't putting them at risk should immediately punished.
And this punishment shouldn't be at all soft, this is something you need to learn, and quickly. The way people stand around in a shootout isn't something you see in real life very often.
The only time you'll see spectators is if they think they're at a safe distance, and even then if a bullet lands next to them they'll begin running.
(Away from the shootout preferably)

This is behavior that should be in perp, and it's the kind of behavior I have when I approach a shootout as a civilian or a paramedic. If I notice the shootout being lost by police, I run like hell, get in my car if available and yeet out of there.
adding onto this if I point a taser at you don't start running saying "i'm moving if you tase me i'll make an ia"

But in all seriousness, I don't advocate for you outright gunning people down as a cop who fail to follow gunpoint, but if people are standing around an active shootout and fail to follow instructions, I atleast would consider the possibility of them being a threat to my safety due to their behavior and act accordingly
You make it out like it's only civilians. I've seen plenty of medics do exactly the same thing.

A simple way of stopping it, is detaining them before they can do anything. You normally have cordons up right? Your officers shouldn't let them in the area.

Personally i have never seen someone go 'You can't shoot me', but if that is the situation you can either detain them or report them. As simple as that.

and i agree

Instead of having a rant maybe mention it to a staff member???
Normally these so called call out flankers have pistols on them so they are fully equipped to pop you if need be.