03/09/2017 Update Log

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03/09/2017 Update Log

New Courier System
The Courier system has been updated! You can now enjoy a re-worked system which features some cool new additions to how the old system worked, with also an addition of scripted contract jobs from stores and NPC’s across the city!

Head to the Delivery Warehouse to sign up for the job!
(Two Couriers can now be in service, rather than the one slot before)


Wait for an order from another player, or an NPC.
The text message you receive will display the order value and where you’ll be delivering it to.
(You will receive 10% of the order value once delivered)


Collect your package from inside the delivery warehouse
Your package will display the location and what type of client you are delivering to.
You can put up to four parcels inside the van at a time.


Place the parcel inside the van!
Take the parcel to your delivery truck, and place it inside.


View your destination on the maps app!
You can see where your next client is by the red dot on your maps app!


Drive to your destination and hand your client the package.
Once delivered, you will receive 10% of the value of the package.


We really hope you enjoy this update, we have plently more to come so make sure you keep a look out for them!

Special thanks to:

P.S: Tooter is back!
We also have new radio stations! A bunch of them were broken, the Danish radio was replaced with iLoveRadio (Danke Fredy <3). If you stumble on any broken stations in the future be sure to submit a bug report. Station suggstions should be linked with a .pls, .m4a or m4u stream. Preferrably an ad-free stream, send them to Fredy or make a discussion post.
We also have new radio stations! A bunch of them were broken, the Danish radio was replaced with iLoveRadio (Danke Fredy <3). If you stumble on any broken stations in the future be sure to submit a bug report. Station suggstions should be linked with a .pls, .m4a or m4u stream. Preferrably an ad-free stream, send them to Fredy or make a discussion post.
Fuck your german radio, everytime i see you you'll be singing along german songs >:(
Good to know some parts of the player based economy thread is being put to good use.

Thank you for grabbing a defibrillator and reviving this job.
brilliant update thanks for adding tooter back aswell
No. I'm not following you for a reduced sentence. Sorry.

Anyways, I've been wanting something like this for ages, and a lot of people have. I'm definately going to come on a little more to become the courier.
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