1v4 Pistol cop takes down EVERYONE after NEGOTIATING (Omar Asfour's Body Cam Footage)

If I was a hostage and you were the negotiator in charge of my safety I would probably kill myself to get it over with and save myself listening to you for my last moments alive.
If I was a hostage and you were the negotiator in charge of my safety I would probably kill myself to get it over with and save myself listening to you for my last moments alive.
Understood, Give me your character name so if it ever happens I'll do the job for you so you don't have to worry :)
Cover and concealment +1
Actual social skills when speaking +1
Tac communications under pressure +1
Taking charge +1
Not having /panic bound to key = CRINGE -5
Still, you should at least be a corporal, looked great and took charge.
It looks like the hostage and 2 of his buddies came back to kill the hostage taker for revenge but you popped them all