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- #1
Suggestion Title: 2 Round burst on certain HK Carbines.
Suggestion Description: Adding a 2 round burst fire mode to the HK UMP45 and HK G36C.
Currently no firearms offered on the server have a 2 round burst fire mode. The only burst firearms are the M16A4, SG550, and all 3 MP5’s, and they shoot 3 round bursts. Currently, HK currently offer and have offered for a while a 2 round burst fire 4 way selector switch for most of their firearms, notably the MP5 series, G36 Series and UMP series.
Currently the UMP45 stands alone on its own merit however to many the G36C is simply an M4 with less customisation and comes with the annoyance of having to take its own proprietary magazine. Adding 2 round burst to the G36C would in turn further define it from the M4A1 and give users its own merit to use.
UMP45 with the 2 round burst 4 way selector:
G36K with a 2 round burst selector option:
Why should this be added?:
- Shifting metas with a new fire mode that gives you the advantage of firing 2 shots instead of 1 at longer ranges.
- Defines the G36c further from other 5.56 rifles, meaning a reason to use it over the SCAR becomes more immediately obvious.
- Further utility for both weapons allowing them to suit certain playstyles and scenarios better.
What negatives could this have?:
- UMP45 is popular as-is.
- Coding and texture work needed (Texture is easy to do though)
What problem would this suggestion solve?: Defines the G36C further as a viable weapon platform, adding a new reason to want to use it that further balances out the existing pros and cons. In the UMP’s case, it adds another way to use the weapon other than just seeing it as a SCAR HK45CT hybrid.