2022 GCSE Results

Reaction score
Parts Unknown

With today being results day for everyone who has taken the GCSE exams this summer I thought, as per tradition, there should be a thread for anyone who wants to, to share their results!

Considering I'm the one making the post, I think its only fair that I tell you mine first.
Maths - 7
English language - 9
English Literature - 7
Physics - 8
Biology - 8
Chemistry - 7
Geography - 9
French - 7
Computer Science - 8

For those who aren't aware of how the grading system for GCSEs work, it goes from 1 - 9 (1 being the lowest besides a U and 9 being the highest).
The letter equivalent of each grade is;
9 - A**
8 - A*
7 - A
6 - B
5 - C+
4 - C
3 - D/F
2 - F
1 - G

(Although not it doesn't work exactly like that, that is a rough idea)​
My maths grade got worse when I did GCSEs with each passing year.

Passed functional skills maths in year 10.
Got a D in GCSE Maths in 2015.
Got an E in GCSE maths in 2016
Got a U in GCSE maths in 2018 (must be some sort of mistake, I’m clearly being targeted)
i did my gcses in 2016 and i got a B 6 C's a D and an F then went through college and all i can say is don't fret about your grades too much, you'll find your passion through knowing people and experience, not through some grade on a piece of paper
GCSEs only good for college....
All I know from mine is that I failed English passed in maths and science then idk any others
shoulda tried in my mocks as covid fucked me over