3.10 Realistic Construction

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United Kingdom
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 3.10

Your version of the rule: Can be kept the same just make difference allowances.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Currently anti wallbang defences like so


which are concrete barriers with two layers are not allowed and the reason being is that its "too op" (Source) however I think this should be allowed. These two layer barriers stop majority of bullets getting through, for example a M4A1. Theoretically raiders could kill everyone in the property without even opening a door if they have the ammo and choose to. While defending you cannot leave your property, and are subject to Bombs (Capable of moving props) and grenades which obviously using as a weapon to defend will mess up your base. Raiders on the other hand can use these to take down your defense, a well placed bomb can cripple a base.

Having a safe place in your base where you are safe from wallbang is something I don't see as OP at all and I think the most of people agree with me.
I agree completely, I don't see why this was banned in the first place, people wall banging is very vexin and this stops that, it also means when people try to wall bang, they shoot and police get a chance to respond. Personally I think they should be allowed.
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As long as you slap some supports against those to stop them from tipping I don't see a major problem. The rule itself doesn't disallow this creation, its on a concrete flooring in a building that can easily support this weight and provided you added the aforementioned supports it would obey the laws of physics.
As long as you slap some supports against those to stop them from tipping I don't see a major problem. The rule itself doesn't disallow this creation, its on a concrete flooring in a building that can easily support this weight and provided you added the aforementioned supports it would obey the laws of physics.

I had support but was told its still too op. Imagine this but with two layers, its the remains of what I was told to take down.

tfw people feel the need to roleplay by putting concrete barriers in their houses
I had support but was told its still too op. Imagine this but with two layers, its the remains of what I was told to take down.

I mean it's hard to tell from just the picture but I'd imagine the problem in here wasn't the concrete wallbang protection but rather the fact that is seems the supports' main purpose is to climb on top of the concrete wall and allow for potential headglitching. In the original picture the wallbang protection was placed up against the main wall of the building, here you're just constructing a whole new wall to the building. Again without seeing it in-game I can't really judge it properly, you'll have to ask the admin who requested it be removed for specific reasons.
I would like to just point out that if this gets accepted for places such as morons, and such dont use it @ suburbs as it would completely fuck up the building
I would like to inform you that each barrier in real life weighs around 1.5 tons, or 1500kg, when a forklift + crane gets added into the game as drivable vehicles I will support this retarded suggestion.
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