3.18 Storages and trunks to 3.30 Confiscation

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Professional Stripper
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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:

3.18 Storages and trunks

While their life is in immediate danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks to avoid losing valuable items that the player is currently holding on their person, this is also including the confiscation of firearms or illegal items whilst on duty as an LEO. This also includes detaching weapon attachments with the intention of avoiding their loss.

Your version of the rule:

3.18 Storages and trunks

While their life is in immediate danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks to avoid losing valuable items that the player is currently holding on their person. This also includes detaching weapon attachments with the intention of avoiding their loss.

and add:

3.30 Confiscation

No weapons or evidence shall be confiscated by Law Enforcement when immediate harm is at risk, such as under gun fire or assailants nearby. Evidence is permitted to be confiscated if the officer is unable to watch over the evidence and leaving it where it is would risk it being tampered with by a member of the public. LEO's' also may not confiscate any evidence when highly outnumbered or very likely to lose an ongoing situation. Neither should officer's prioritise confiscating evidence over their or others lives nearby.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

So what I've basically done is
  • Removed "this is also including the confiscation of firearms or illegal items whilst on duty as an LEO " from 3.18 and created a new rule for it.
  • I also added the last bit in bold that officers may not confiscate any evidence when highly outnumbered or likely to lose an ongoing situation
I think this is something that happens so frequent it needs to be its own rule so negligence isn't an issue. Having it hidden in a rule called storages and trunks makes no sense when really it should be it's own rule. My reason for the addition is we've all been there, died flanking, sniping or for example on regals overpass or city garage during a bank robbery where you manage to die to maybe the last 1 or 2 cops alive that have absolutely no chance against the 7 people left ect. So your shit gets confiscated but your friends win, you get revived but your shit's gone. When realistically it wouldn't have been confiscated and you would have easily got it back. When you realise the forensics, bagging a gun and carrying it to a car that would happen IRL, there's no reason why confiscating guns with nearby shootouts should be a thing nor should it be prioritised. In my eyes this is one thing that makes the server less about rp and more about the sweaty fps cops and robbers reality where nobody wants to lose money or a shootout and confiscate as fast as they can ect because everyone's turned into tryhards and don't want to lose anymore. It's a two way thing though for cop mains and civs.
So I agree with the additional confiscation rule, but I have a question?

Is this rule to target confiscations mid-situations where the officers flee or something like that? Or is it to make sure officers don't confiscate until the suspects are arrested? Because according to the officer's guide, weapons and drugs are not to be confiscated until the situation is either:

A) Finished with.
B) Until the officer feels that he must confiscate it to avoid it being tampered with by the public.

If your weapons or drugs have been confiscated mid-situation, I would suggest making an AR OR IA complaint against that individual.
I've had like 3 snipers confiscated mid bank robbery where we've won but I died on the regals overpass so they confiscate it rather than leave them there which is fine. Even though it should be wrong imo.
Right, Officers cut the losses and ran...That does personally suck and sound like shit. What about a compromise? What if the rule was just slightly adjusted, such as, "If a piece of evidence can be realistically moved away or removed from the scene of the crime where it would otherwise cause harm or mischief, it may be confiscated". That way you settle both parties. You let the cops have a chance to still gain $800 from a weapon, but also the crims potentially being able to restore it. This wording also allows crims to be able to make reports on officers if they feel that the weapon couldn't have been realistically moved away or confiscated without endangering there own lives.

It's a two-way thing though for cop mains and civs, if you think about it.
If theres a shootout imo they should prioritise lives rather than £1k. If they have enough time to confiscate it they can easily move it somewhere out of sight.
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