Double standards - Confiscating weapons. 3.18 edit.

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United Kingdom, Devon
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 3.18 Storages and Trunks

Your version of the rule: While their life is in immediate danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks to avoid losing valuable items that the player is currently holding on their person,
this is also including the confiscation of firearms or illegal items whilst on duty as an LEO. This includes detaching weapon attachments with the intention of avoiding their loss.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
Currently if an Officer confiscates a firearm it would lead to a simple IA and a slap on the wrist, however if a civilian did this it would lead to a ban and in some cases long term depending on their record of rule breaks. The double standards of current within the PD compared to that of civilians is silly, although covered by IA I believe negatively effecting a player in such a way should be punishable via the rules and not just "3.4".
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@Husky it's good to see that you're doing this to help maintain a high level of competence within your org, but for the rest of the server it's like I mentioned above
I think there should be a way to cancel a confiscation within 10 seconds after it, because most confiscations seem to be accidental/missclick
@ErmakDimon If you genuinely see it that the PD are effected worse by a rule break I believe you are either inactive or haven't played criminal for a long long time, Cops never have bans influenced via IA as its NORMAL players dealing with these complaints. Here's the situation 90% of raids:

-Retarded Nade dies in raid, drops m4 (full attachments) on death
-Cop swipes the gun despite his life being in direct danger and violating the law thus breaking 4.1
-Makes an F6 to deal with the situation
-"Make an IA" - shake my head
-*IA takes over 2 weeks to respond*
-*Makes refund request*
-*Refund request takes days to be processed and actually done*

Criminal version:

-Retarded Nade dies in raid, drops m4 (full attachments) on death
-Rival org member stores Nade's gun despite the shootout still ongoing
-Makes an F6
-User is banned/warned depending on his previous offences.

The double standards are certainly not in the favour of criminals Ermak.
@Husky can I just point out that cops are allowed to confiscate if they believe they are unable to keep the evidence secure? Like if there's a rifle at their feet and four people with rifles shooting at them? They are allowed to confiscate if they can reasonably assume not doing so will lead to it being used in another crime.
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