3.21 EDIT

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Main Idea: Editing 3.21 so its clear wether on you can or cant mug at DD

Full description of the idea:
Well currently the NPC rule is really vague at the moment it says
When role-playing within the vicinity of NPCs (for example, the NPC that resides within Fredy’s Bakery, the City Hall, etc.), the NPCs must be treated as regular playersand taken into consideration within roleplay situations
so thats bassicly saying that u cant do shit infront Gov NPC's because they will call the cops etc but what about the drug dealer? someone that carry's a high amount of drugs both selling and buying drugs all the time do you honestly think he would call the cops when he has illegal narcotics that will get him arrested i dont think so.

Why should it be added?: Because its just not realistic a drug dealer would never call the cops saying someone just go mugged infront of me when they are carrying/buying drugs.

Things will go like they used to be

Cons: Salty people that get mugged at DD will make more reports complaining

*Other additions: Or we can make it so you can only mug at certain places like behind bank,in the toilets of subway but like not in places underneath hungries cause thats fairly public
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