Server Suggestion 3.4 Drug Dealer Reminder

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Suggestion Title: 3.4 Drug Dealer Reminder
Suggestion Description: I have encountered way too many people who have broke rule 3.4 while under gunpoint. So my suggestion is whenever new players get close to the drug dealers location, a popup will inform them that they have entered a mugging area and must follow rule 3.4. This should only be for the drug dealers current location and not every possible location as that can be irritating.

Why should this be added?:
- It will decrease the number of clueless new players from breaking the rules as they will be made aware of the rules before they can break them.
- It will decrease the number of f6 reports made on players for breaking the rules.

What negatives could this have?:
- It could be annoying for some players but if this prompt is only implemented for new players(players with less than 3 days of playtime), it won't be too annoying.
- Players may ignore the prompt but it may stop players who want to follow the rule from breaking it.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Rule breakers of 3.4 when sellig drugs
Suggestion Title: 3.4 Drug Dealer Reminder
Suggestion Description: I have encountered way too many people who have broke rule 3.4 while under gunpoint. So my suggestion is whenever new players get close to the drug dealers location, a popup will inform them that they have entered a mugging area and must follow rule 3.4. This should only be for the drug dealers current location and not every possible location as that can be irritating.

Why should this be added?:
- It will decrease the number of clueless new players from breaking the rules as they will be made aware of the rules before they can break them.
- It will decrease the number of f6 reports made on players for breaking the rules.

What negatives could this have?:
- It could be annoying for some players but if this prompt is only implemented for new players(players with less than 3 days of playtime), it won't be too annoying.
- Players may ignore the prompt but it may stop players who want to follow the rule from breaking it.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Rule breakers of 3.4 when selling drugs
+1 Better idea than me. And is a good idea of removing new players in risk of being engaged in a criminal activity and stay away from it
this trigger should keep a log of their inventory so Incase a staff member wants to use it.

This is very convenient in the circumstance they do get mugged and combat log or get killed they are stripped of their belongings they would have lost.
3.4 isn’t subjective to just the drug dealer though, I don’t see a reason for a pop up that could just be used to quickly discover the DD is there before checking.
3.4 isn’t subjective to just the drug dealer though, I don’t see a reason for a pop up that could just be used to quickly discover the DD is there before checking.
Or we make the trigger when you enter a certain point where you're able to seem him either way.

Instead of an area (radius), make the triggers when you cross certain points?
one of the biggest problems with mugging 3.4 breakage is that 9/10 times the rule breaker keeps their items and money after respawn. Staff should crack down on it more imo but this suggestion can implement at least a reminder to clear any confusion with players are unaware while making it easier for staff so it's more likely the victim of the rulebreak will receive the items they would've got off the mugged player who broke 3.4 after the fact.
I’d like to see 3.4 notifications when you enter a mugging zone, maybe just for new players.

Say you enter hicktown you get a warning saying you can be mugged and to be careful!
I'm not really under the impression that a random pop up saying "Remember to follow rule 3.4" is going to suddenly stop new players (who don't even know what that means) from breaking the rule.
I'm not really under the impression that a random pop up saying "Remember to follow rule 3.4" is going to suddenly stop new players (who don't even know what that means) from breaking the rule.
I envisoned it being similar to the popup which can appear when you are in the area of an active shootout. It is a very niche rule when compared to other servers in the darkrp gamemode so if not reported, players can be mugged multiple times before they are made aware of it.

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