4.1 edit

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in her grave
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Edit to 4.1
4.1 Follow the Law- Government employees must at all times follow the entirety of the law; government employees include Police Officers, SWAT Officers, the Police Lieutenant, Police Sergeants, Speed Enforcement, Paramedics, Firefighters, Road Crew Workers, the Mayor, and Secret Service Agents.

Your version of the rule:
4.1 Follow the Law- Government employees must at all times follow the law; government employees include Police Officers, SWAT Officers, the Police Lieutenant, Police Sergeants, Speed Enforcement, Paramedics, Firefighters, Road Crew Workers, the Mayor, and Secret Service Agents. Government employees like RC workers, Medics, etc. are allowed to break traffic laws, although that risks being blacklisted from the job if caught by an officer.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

I really just find it stupid that RC Workers, Medics, Firefighters and SS aren't allowed to break simple traffic laws. They do it all the time IRL, so why not here? It's a bit dumb. I understand police not being allowed to break traffic laws as they're supposed to ENFORCE the law, but the jobs above don't. So why can't they break small laws?
Of course, they'd need some sort of strike system to determine wether it's time for a user to get blacklisted from their job. Something like this-

Strike 1- Ticket
Strike 2- Large ticket
Strike 3- Short Blacklist
Strike 4- Long Blacklist
Strike 5- Permanent Blacklist
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No, basically they do indeed work for the government. So allowing them to run around and basically make a game of them not being caught by cops is stupid.
Saying that it happens IRL which must translate it into being viable on the server is bogus. Just because there are terrorists IRL doesn't mean I can go around shooting people in the face whenever I want because it's what terrorists do.

Regarding the blacklist:
Currently only staff are able to blacklist people, so saying being blacklisted as a suitable punishment is also naive.
No, basically they do indeed work for the government. So allowing them to run around and basically make a game of them not being caught by cops is stupid.
Saying that it happens IRL which must translate it into being viable on the server is bogus. Just because there are terrorists IRL doesn't mean I can go around shooting people in the face whenever I want because it's what terrorists do.

I'm just gonna make this a reply, so I can address some things you obviously haven't realised.
No, basically they do indeed work for the government.
I never actually said they DONT work for the government

So allowing them to run around and basically make a game of them not being caught by cops is stupid.
They WILL be caught by cops, just like civillians are, and be punished. Of course, just like cops doing a bad job, only supervisors could get rid/blacklist/demote them, but officers would be able to ticket RC.

Saying that it happens IRL which must translate it into being viable on the server is bogus. Just because there are terrorists IRL doesn't mean I can go around shooting people in the face whenever I want because it's what terrorists do.
Thing is, as it's been said before, this server is supposed to emulate real life to the point where it's FUN. If people could just go around RDMing people like that, then it wouldn't be fun, it would just be irritating as all hell.
Also there's a HUGE difference between letting gov employees speed and drive a bit recklessly and doing TERRORIST ATTACKS.
They WILL be caught by cops, just like civillians are, and be punished. Of course, just like cops doing a bad job, only supervisors could get rid/blacklist/demote them, but officers would be able to ticket
Then whats the whole point? Allow it but permanently blacklist once caught, What??

Thing is, as it's been said before, this server is supposed to emulate real life to the point where it's FUN.
Officers being corrupt isn't fun, it's really not. LETS ALLOW TERRORISM CUZ FUN TOO.


Just to clear it up for everybody who isn't reading properly.
I never once said to allow officers to break traffic laws. If you noticed at all, the point of this is to let gov employees that DONT enforce the law speed, and if they get caught by someone who DOES enforce the law, they will face punishments.
Next time, don't skim-read, and think everything that's said through before taking an opinion. Because here, you're rating me dumb, but making yourself look dumb by not reading it properly.​
Paramedics, Roadcrew Workers, Firefighters etc. can already physically break laws. It's not allowed, obviously. They also can already receive tickets via Officers etc. Adding this system is basically how espionage works. It's completely allowed, but once you get caught, then it's a problem. Now tell me, do you really want Paramedics attempting to speed anywhere in Paralake (or any other Government official)? What purpose does that serve them? What purpose does that serve yourself and others? If you can answer these questions without using, "It adds to realism," I suppose I can see deeper into your argument myself. I truthfully do not understand how you think this will benefit the server by allowing Government Officials to break laws. You're not supposed to be breaking laws in the first place as a Citizen so why break laws when you're even more legally required to follow them as it protects yours and others safety. So tell me how making a city less safe as a Paramedic will benefit you and the people you are putting in direct danger.
If all Government Employees could break laws we would have no government employees. Tell me more about this IRL that you live in, do Ambulances drive on the wrong side of the highway and run red lights without their sirens on where you come from? This will not be added.
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