4.3 FireFighters, allowed to go to medical.

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Paralake Fire Department, PLC
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:

4.3 Firefighters​

Your version of the rule:
Firefighters using the firetruck may not leave the fire department, unless responding to an emergency services report that includes details of an uncontrolled fire or medical emergency.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

IRL we use the full size fire truck for medical calls. Someone has fallen out of bed and cant get up? We go there to assist the ambulance using the full size truck. Someone unconscious? Full size truck. We CAN go in our personal cars but we don't unless explicitly asked or there's reason to.

FF CPR is coming and as right now we have bandages and a med-kit that we can use. I've been thanked by medics for helping them and it's more realistic. Plus also it gives the job more incentive for right now and assists the medics. They can focus on revival while we use the med-kit. those 5-10 seconds it takes per person to heal can be life or death for your favorite officer.

The truck ingame also has a equipment locker where we have our medical equipment irl, rear left above the rear tire. This includes BOTH of our IRL engines. Not just the rescue truck.
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