[Suggestion] Rule 4.4

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Rule 4.4 Firefighters
Your version of the rule:
4.4 Firefighters
Typically, Firefighters may not enter a crime scene if it has not yet been secured by law-enforcement personnel. Firefighters using the patrol vehicle (Dodge RAM) can patrol the city but must call the Firetruck when responding to large uncontrolled fires, Firefighters using the firetruck may not leave the fire department, unless responding to an emergency services report that includes details of an uncontrolled fire.
If parking the firetruck in such a way that it doesn't break this rule or any other which benefits the response time to emergencies then it is to be deemed as a valid parking position.(See rule 4.1 and Law 4.3)

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
Literally 5 minutes ago daymon picked on me for parking literally 50% inside the Fire Department with the front end sticking out of the garage, my claims to this was that it would benefit the government services in terms of response time. Firetrucks tend to wait for the door to open up which delays the response time, every second counts and even @Mannerwaffel could probably agree with me here.

Apparently written with 0.5 text size I wasn't allowed to do this as it was deemed breaking rule 4.4. Nowhere in the rule does it say I can't park in such a fashion, all it mentions is that I may not leave the FD WHICH I DID NOT mind you.

Which is why I want this fixed and added to the rule.
You -did- leave the fire department. There is absolutely no reason to park it like that, and there is no reason for this rule to be changed. All you've done is added 2 lines of unnessecary text for one eventuality that has never happened other than by your hand in the 2 years Paralake has been running.

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