5.3 Raiding

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:

5.3 Raiding​

Your version of the rule:
Civilians are not allowed to raid, or assist others who are raiding, an occupied property more than 2 times in a 60 minute period, or raid the same property more than once in a 60 minute period. If a civilian has died whilst raiding a property, they must wait 1 hour after they have respawned before attempting to raid, or assist others in raiding that property. Players who died whilst being raided may also not return to the situation until it has finished. Players are only permitted to use 2 bombs per raid, timed or remote. This does not include grenades.

If a neighbouring property assists or attempts to defend a property you are raiding, you may raid the neighbouring property which will be counted as the same raid.

You may bypass the raid timer if raiding a Mayor's property for the sole intent of assassination.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

Raiding the Mayor's property has near enough no monetary gain as you would raiding another civilian e.g. drugs, guns, etc. I feel that should be able to raid the Mayor more than once within an hour as long as you stick to NLR and find out where they live in your new life. Furthermore, if the Mayor was camping in City Hall, you could theoretically attempt to assassinate him again as soon as your NLR is over.
It’s already like this however reports made regarding it in the past have suggested this be clairified. If you’re raiding a house occupied by the mayor and his SS then it doesn’t constitute as a raid rules wise since you won’t be getting any guns or drugs out of doing so.
It’s already like this however reports made regarding it in the past have suggested this be clairified. If you’re raiding a house occupied by the mayor and his SS then it doesn’t constitute as a raid rules wise since you won’t be getting any guns or drugs out of doing so.
According to Hayden, it does count as a normal raid and therefore you cannot raid the Mayors property twice within the hour
It’s already like this however reports made regarding it in the past have suggested this be clairified. If you’re raiding a house occupied by the mayor and his SS then it doesn’t constitute as a raid rules wise since you won’t be getting any guns or drugs out of doing so.
Since when does there need to be a possiblity to get guns or drugs for it to count as a raid.
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