556 Revert suggestion.

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The civil war of Somalia
Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/556-revert.32917/

Main Idea: To revert the 556 update (but obviously still keep the smg's buffed etc)

Full description of the idea: Revert the 556 update due to the fact nowadays if you want to be able to somewhat control recoil you need 100 rifle marksmanship with a compensator.

Why should it be added?: To not only help new people control recoil, but people who would rather spend 1 mil on a car than 100 rifle marks (assuming they have 66 firearms or know someone who does).

Pros: Easier to control recoil and be less aids
Easier for sweaters.
Cons: Laser gun

*Other additions: Lets be honest. V3 shooting was better than V4.

*Images: n/a
Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/556-revert.32917/

Main Idea: To revert the 556 update (but obviously still keep the smg's buffed etc)

Full description of the idea: Revert the 556 update due to the fact nowadays if you want to be able to somewhat control recoil you need 100 rifle marksmanship with a compensator.

Why should it be added?: To not only help new people control recoil, but people who would rather spend 1 mil on a car than 100 rifle marks (assuming they have 66 firearms or know someone who does).

Pros: Easier to control recoil and be less aids
Easier for sweaters.
Cons: Laser gun

*Other additions: Lets be honest. V3 shooting was better than V4.

*Images: n/a
You first complain its so easy to become rich, then you guys cry cus it costs money to get a high marksmanship level, stop contradicting yourselves
Why should it be added?: To not only help new people control recoil, but people who would rather spend 1 mil on a car than 100 rifle marks (assuming they have 66 firearms or know someone who does).

*Other additions: Lets be honest. V3 shooting was better than V4.
I can strongly agree that this 556 update is pretty cancer.

Not only do i agree on this, but i agree with George on his first arguement, "would rather spend 1mil on a car rather 100 rifle marks." He does make a great point, why spend 1mil trying to improve recoil when it's just going to be cancer as fuck and make literally no difference on the gun. (ik there's other weapons but m4 is cheap)

I think that we should've atleast have 1 upside to shooting rather than have x3 nerfs (no-strafe,high recoil when lower marks,556 nerf)
I'd like to see the pvp/shooting aspect have atleast 1 upside rather than all 3 fuck u in the ass.
What i would like to see in the pvp aspect is: be able to have low recoil (since most of the community invested like 800k on marksmenship) and no 556 nerf but have no strafe on.

TL;DR: Remove 556 nerf cause we invested over 800k for "better recoil control" as we were promised when the update came out. (marksmanship update)
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With 100 Rifle Marksmanship.
Not much of an improvement considering the amount of cash spent
With 100 Rifle Marksmanship.
Not much of an improvement considering the amount of cash spent

You spray on that distance at first, and let go of your mouse. Then you do it again while moving mouse down to reduce recoil. dont spray on that distance
then you fire 3 shots and still let go of your mouse to emphasize how bad it is.
Pull it down that time and it won't be as bad.
Why should it be added?: To not only help new people control recoil, but people who would rather spend 1 mil on a car than 100 rifle marks (assuming they have 66 firearms or know someone who does).
It goes both ways you know?... What about the person that would rather spend the money to have better recoil than a fast supercar?
I spent lots of money to get all marksmanships (except for pistol) up to a 100 just to help me git gud.
Perhaps you should just git gud too instead of complaining
You spray on that distance at first, and let go of your mouse. Then you do it again while moving mouse down to reduce recoil. dont spray on that distance
then you fire 3 shots and still let go of your mouse to emphasize how bad it is.
Pull it down that time and it won't be as bad.
I spend 1 million so i can spray at that distance. Its not that easy to get 1 mil.
If you can't control it at 100 marksmanship then you need to raise your sensitivity or some shit, both these videos were done with under 90 marksmanship.


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