8.X - Residence in a property used to produce illegal substances (name WIP)


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North East
Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Add

What law do you wish to change/add: Any citizen that resides in a property in which illegal substances are produced commits an offence

Why should this change/addition be made: To be honest, failiure to report a crime does cover this, but I an confident that was not the original intention of the law and it is sometimes borderline to achieve a conviction. Citizens obviously know what is on properties they reside in and this clarification, while perhaps a little elaborate, would provide ample clarity to newer officers and make it easier to convict.

What is the aim of this change/addition: Up there ^

Additional Information:
But there are cases you living with others or paying a visit and you genuinely don't know they are growing (without meta) and this law prevent any innocents to be ever spoken free, I prefer it this way so there is a chance of you coming free because u didn't do anything illegal.
People living there are involved in the production.

If I walk into someone else's apartment and they are raided. I am nothing to do with the production of illegal substances and if I haven't seen them, why should I be charged?

Just an excuse for officers not to investigate each person and charge everyoneone in the appartment.

I feel like this is already covered by failing to report a crime or intent to supply depending on the situation in hand. I dont feel I should be charged for something just for being inside a property that's getting raided.