What I wanted and why:
90% unitary: small states need a say and distribution of funding but they tend to fuck up.
75% democracy. Direct democracy is a failure because 3 toothed Dave and his crackwench wife get a direct say.
100% globalism. A unified world (andeuropeteehee) is a better one
50/50% mil and pac. For now, militaries are needed as deterrent because everyone is retarded and thinks killing is a good way to solve shit.
100% security. If you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ve got nothing to hide. The govt don’t care that you watch femboy porn you closeted jock.
80% equality. The invisible hand is a lie made to justify ignoring the poor. UBI to be above the poverty line pls.
50/50 religious and secular. I agree religion has a place in modern times but don’t think it should have state interaction.
75% progression. Tradition should not be ignored yet it should not be the defining feature of a culture.
100% multiculturalism. If you don’t agree: Stop eating pizza, stop eating curry, stop eating beans on toast. Stop being a racist, I don’t care how you justify it, stop being a racist
ty xo