A berdy diary: Vol2, “f*ck 12”

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Firstly, gambling is dumb.

Secondly, PLPD leadership sucks.

Thridly, PLPD Leadership sucks.

This week i tried 2 different endevors to try make money. And i was discharged UNFAIRLY from police. They cant handle the truth obvs

First one: Berdy news

Ive ben seeing all these news reporters going round RPing making stories but none of them make videos.

On the spot, in quicktime.

Bish bash and fucking bosh.


I got to work, made a design and got looking. Albeit the first story being police corruption.

Didnt take me fuckin long, a police officer offered a blind eye in return for cash so that was easy.

Made a video. BANG. Edited that hoe and whacked that shit on a tv and made a news stand.

Didnt get much traction, a few bitchy police trying to be all pro police anti civ the stinky corrupt fucks and couldnt handle me exposing them LOL.

anyway, i wanted more.

Then i found gold, two firemen wanting to make a story. So we did, and that was sthe best one yet.

Posted that shit, got hella traction. Berdys name is getting places, like mcdonalds is n shit.

Only problem, how do i make money. advertising. I need to advertising. (Thats the plan) vault corp hit me up).

Second: berdy Casino

Ill keep this one short and sweet:

I did my odds wrong lost about 500k.

But at least the graphics looked cool

(Hire me)


My next calling seeing as i was unfairly kicked from the police, is EMS.

I kinda wanna see more input in how EMS works and make it more interactive, as in choosing what meds to give and what stuff to use equipment wise as your halfwaybthere with it twlling you injuries a person has.

Would make RP so much doper.

Till next week,


Stay humble and help newbies.

Love and champagne x,
Love the idea doing the news, but I can't get over your take on being kicked out of the PD, please share with the class what your discharge reason actually says (verbatim pls, no paraphrasing)
Love the idea doing the news, but I can't get over your take on being kicked out of the PD, please share with the class what your discharge reason actually says (verbatim pls, no paraphrasing)
I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to represent themselves to accusations. I was not given the chance. I was given the accusation, it was for days before and couldn’t remember it. I asked to see footage. And then boom kicked. No justice.
I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to represent themselves to accusations. I was not given the chance. I was given the accusation, it was for days before and couldn’t remember it. I asked to see footage. And then boom kicked. No justice.
ok sure but what did you do