A few lads...


Professional Stripper
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Some great and aspiring comunity members and people I think need recognition:

@mage really has outstanding rule knowledge. Personally i think they'd be an excellent candidate for enforcer. Also very helpful in game and such a kind person
@Momo didn't see you for a while but you're aspiring to become a big part in the PD and i'd love to see you as a member of IA. You also have good rule knowledge and law knowledge, and are a great community member.
@Youseff as stated in your enforcer app, people have mixed feelings about you but i
feel you should be given another chance as enforcer due to your rule/law knowledge, personality, activity and commitment to the comunity. Good luck pal.
@xhantium dealt with a few reports from me. Excellent staff member and good friend. Explains everything to detail and always willing to help.
@Blicky coming back from your inactivity a few months ago ;) Love your dedication to the comunity. Showed it yesterday when you were the only staff on and reports were flooding through and a decent bloke. Love to see him as an Admin.
@Adrish always been a friend since i first joined the comunity. I've seen you go from the raiding minge always wanting to snipe someone for me to an excellent comunity member. This is shown by your new rank in the PD due to your dedication to IA and the PSD.
@AyJay love the work you've done with the RTU. Decent guy and well deserved new rank in the PD. Hard work does pay off, even with the RTU invasion of Paralake.
@Cole for inspiring me to make the thread.

Personally i feel a lot more need recognition but these are the ones that stand out from the top of my head :).
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@Adrish always been a friend since i first joined the comunity. I've seen you go from the raiding minge always wanting to snipe someone for me to an excellent comunity member. This is shown by your new rank in the PD due to your dedication to IA and the PSD.
Thanks for the shout, I'm glad that you appreciate my work to the PD and that you consider me as an 'excellent' community member. I really enjoy playing PERP with you and you always make me laugh. But in regards to me being a minge, I still consider myself as being a minge.