A Long Overdue Thread

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This is an appology thread...​

I would first like to start his thread saying a big thank you to @MrLewis @Creepis @GraveDinosaur for everything you’ve done for me over the past year. You guys were the reason I got enforcer in the first place, but this thread isn’t a recommendation obviously.

This thread is an apology mainly to MrLewis, Creepis, and grav,e but also to the community. I’m making this thread to apologize for all the problems I caused as an enforcer, and an apology for me going against the people who got me enforcer. For those of you who don’t know MrLewis, Creepis, and grave fought incredibly hard to get me enforcer, the admin meeting was around an hour long and consisted them defending me and trying to get me enforcer. Most of you know that I did indeed get enforcer and the ONLY reason I got it was because of them. When I got enforcer, they pulled me into a channel and they said the exact words “don’t fuck up Bean Can”, but sadly I did just that. Due to my own stupidity, I did indeed “fuck up” and my reparation of this was my demotion and me never receiving the rank of moderator.

I felt this thread to be of the utmost importance owing to the fact I’ve never personally apologized or even spoke to them about my demotion. I’ve decided to make this a public apology too just for the fact I feel like this also needs to be an apology to the community for my reckless and problematic behavior.

A sincere apology,
Bean Can