A message from Shaun and his current condition

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Hello everyone,

some close Snapchat friends of Shaun might already know of this but I thought I'd let you know about Shaun and what is currently happening in his life right now as he asked me to post this for you guys. He was a long community and staff member and the word should go out to his favorite community that he loved and cared about, whetever you love or hate(d) him he will always be a part of us even with his current community wide ban.

Delta informed me of what he's going trough. Basically, he has a bad heart condition, he has gone trough multiple tests with no good results. His coronary artery has build up plaque causing narrowing of his arteries which hinders the blood flow to supply his heart muscle with blood. He is waiting for the results of some other tests but we will know about that in a few weeks. He currently does have a relative next to him just incase anything bad happens so they can call 911 in time incase of cardiac arrest, etc.

He wants to thank all PERPHeads and it's awesome community members for spending time with him, as a friend and staff member. He means a lot to you guys, we've shaped a lot of people with the time in this community for the better, even if we're just strangers on the internet playing a game we get to know each other with some people for a long time in which they will eventually grow up as a close friend which we will never forget, it's stuck within us in our lifetimes and I'm sure you will remember some of your close friends in the next 30+ years you made on a video game.

That's all from me and Shaun. If there is anything else I will update you guys on this thread.

Take care.
Man shaun was that one guy that you would always have a great time with no matter what.
Ive been wondering what happend to him after his ban i wish hil the best of luck.
Fun guy to hang out with but very sketchy and asking underage members of the community for nudes is not cash at all.
Oh man. I get so sad when I hear about this:(.
I myself have a heart disease called VSD, i used to be a sporty guy until I was 12 and couldn't really do sport anymore because of my heart condition being so bad. One important thing is: Don't let it get you down.
Tell him would duffys tiger onesie give him a heart attack :booty:

In all seriousness though this is awful news to hear. I hope he makes a speedy recovery. My father has heart disease and has stents, so I can understand the difficulty he must be going through :(
Shaun was always a great guy whenever I used to hang out with him. He was really friendly with me when I joined the server when I was like 12 and he cared for me :booty:. Never a boring moment with him; Stomper, him, and myself would always fuck around and it really always brightened up my mood. It hurts me immensely to hear the condition he’s in but I pray that you’ll be fine.
(Play music to add effect)
Shaun was one of the mateys who actually kinda liked me but i didn't know your condition was that bad, but ur gunna pull through, just say you have a ford raptor on perp they'll soon shrink, hope your ok, the south of England sends its love xx
Shaun was and will always be a great member of the community and was a decent staff memer as well.I sent my regards to el fatto on snapchat. I will never forget when he killed our streak after I told him I was no homo. Hope you pull through this pal and we see you on the server again, keep in touch. <3xoxo
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Hope he turns out ok, never knew him personally or even remember him at all, only a few bans from him is all he left behind for me but its always sad to hear stuff like this. calling @Fredy to add sad rating ;(
Just Unban him so he can have fun on the community he loves you heartless bastards, why fully say you miss him and then no ones actually letting him on the server? The guys stuck with the community atleast.
I'm still confused. Is Shaun dead, ill or is this a joke that Shaun used teamviewer to message creepis on stompers account? I really hope it's the latter and all.
He isnt sick its just a person who wants to see his attention on perp, I'll lock the thread lol

If you are sick shaun I'll be honest; you were a great guy.
But no Damn jokes about being dead ok????
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