A New Drug Dealer System

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Topic: A New Drug Dealer System.

Short explanation (in notes):
- The "Drug Dealer" would be effected by taxes.
- This makes a new role for Organizations ( Drug Making Organizations ).
- It creates more Role Play for the Element of Drugs.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
The current "Drug Dealer" NPC can be located in Eight Different Locations. That gives selling drugs a bit for of a difficulty so it's not just "Go up to a NPC and Click a Few Buttons and you got yourself some "hard earned" cash". But why not take it a step further and make Taxes effect the Drug Dealer.
The reason I have came up with this idea is because I want to create a new way or role playing on this server. Some people have left this server because the role play isn't what the "Serious" Enough or just not fun enough. The way i'm suggesting is a way where you do not have to sell to an NPC every time you have a certain amount of drugs, But you have the chance to sell drugs to other users and still make some form of profit. You may ask what does "Drug Selling Money" Have to do with the Government. Well honestly nothing but Like I said, I creates a new form of Role Play on this server. Moving on to the way that creates all of this.

0% Taxes - $80,000 - $100,000

25% Taxes - $75,000

50% Taxes - $50,000 - $65,000

How does buying drugs off other users make profit for you?
Well lets make a scenario>
It's 25% Sales Tax.
You're about to buy 500 Drugs off another user.
Due to it being 25% Sales Tax you'd offer them $75,000.
So after you were to buy those 500 drugs for $75,000 You'd keep them in storage until taxes go under 25% then you'd make profit. You also may ask why wouldn't they just wait until taxes go under 25%. Well, It's quicker to just buy off a user then just wait for taxes to go down or to go find the drug dealer. Also if the taxes are over 25% you'd make more mony selling them to a user.

Optional additions:
- 50% Sales taxes could be $75,000 And Visa Versa.

I understand most people would disagree with this Idea because it could make you lose money in drug deals. But if you're playing on a role play server you have to be expected to role play.
We can't force people to roleplay by adding taxes to a drug-dealer.
How would that improve RP?

Besides, how the hell does a drug dealer pay taxes? Does he fill out the tax form with "50k of pure cocaine"?
Honestly, the drug dealer should be affected by taxes considering he has a home in which he calls his hideout.
He pays taxes to live in the city, if he bought drugs for full price from players when taxes are 50% he'd be bankrupt in a matter of minutes [minutes because people constantly do drugs] afaik this is the only way for him to make money.

Also this encourages people to buy from others, and there's always a risk buying/selling from/to others.
At the moment the drug dealer pulls seeds from his ass to feed players with so they can grow them, I honestly wish the player owned economy deals with this and seeds start to eradicate if people don't sell seeds to the drug dealer [price could be 75$ for selling and buying should be 150 as usual] This way the DD makes money and keeps his economy stable.
Seeds should be easier to obtain within plants. If you sell all your seeds you are fucked and unable to start growing again until you buy some off the drug dealer.
The drug dealer would have to take jobs which can take several IG [up to 4] days, just so he can buy a load of seeds to sell to people, during this time he would be unavailable.

I also believe the drug dealer should have his own economy, in which he can't pull out 1 million so he can buy the 10k of each drug @Robin Handsomealot has to sell

Also the DD shouldn't be outside 24/7. At nighttime he becomes more active rather when it's daytime.

I will be giving you my full support on this one.
But as you know, this is up to Stephen, Fredy and XQ to decide.
Now, I got this thread right here that was completely abandoned for some reason. It is a suggestion that would make probably make people buy drugs from players instead of just selling it all to the dealer.
Now, I must agree with some of the above and say that it is a bit unrealistic to put up taxes on illegal items like that, but I would support any idea that leads to more roleplaying around the drug element of PerpHeads.
Yes Sergeant, no, he paid his cocaine tax fee, don't worry. Yes, he left you a goody bag.

No. Not unless drugs were legalised and taxed, You can't tax something illegal, goddamn, really?

Honestly, the drug dealer should be affected by taxes considering he has a home in which he calls his hideout.
He pays taxes to live in the city, if he bought drugs for full price from players when taxes are 50% he'd be bankrupt in a matter of minutes [minutes because people constantly do drugs] afaik this is the only way for him to make money.

Also this encourages people to buy from others, and there's always a risk buying/selling from/to others.
At the moment the drug dealer pulls seeds from his ass to feed players with so they can grow them, I honestly wish the player owned economy deals with this and seeds start to eradicate if people don't sell seeds to the drug dealer [price could be 75$ for selling and buying should be 150 as usual] This way the DD makes money and keeps his economy stable.
Seeds should be easier to obtain within plants. If you sell all your seeds you are fucked and unable to start growing again until you buy some off the drug dealer.
The drug dealer would have to take jobs which can take several IG [up to 4] days, just so he can buy a load of seeds to sell to people, during this time he would be unavailable.

I also believe the drug dealer should have his own economy, in which he can't pull out 1 million so he can buy the 10k of each drug @Robin Handsomealot has to sell

Also the DD shouldn't be outside 24/7. At nighttime he becomes more active rather when it's daytime.

I will be giving you my full support on this one.
But as you know, this is up to Stephen, Fredy and XQ to decide.

He pays taxes to live in the city sure, property tax maybe and the occasional sales tax of goods he buys as a regular law abiding citizen. But with that logic, where is his money coming from? In the USA we have something called the IRS(Internal Revenue Service) in which they make sure everyone's paying their taxes and sometimes they audit those who are evading taxes through untaxable, or even taxable, income. Those people are later charged and arrested for tax evasion or arrested if they got their money through illegal means. So realistically, the drug dealer is unrealistic as he's making tons of untaxed money living in the city and what not and has to be money laundering his money through a superficial business to make his income seem legit.

There is no way that his property taxes would effect his buying and selling price of drugs because that's just not how that works unless you live in New York or San Francisco or some shit where the cost of living is higher due to you being taxed out the fucking asshole. Then of course, a dime bag of weed is going to be a lot higher in New York rather than somewhere where it's a lot less cheaper to live because that's just how prices vary, not because of tax.

There is no way to realistically suggest that oh hey maybe we should tax drugs, because for one- you'd be fucking arrested for selling weed in real life and PERP, and two if the government wanted to tax drugs, they'd legalize it and tax it like the rest of the shit they tax that shouldn't be legal (alcohol, cigarettes, and weed in some cases *Weed is legalized in some states and heavily taxed). You can't just write out oh I'm a fucking drug dealer on your tax report that you fill out every year to get your tax money back because you pay no fucking tax by buying or selling drugs in the first place!

If you want to have some nice player interaction between players when selling drugs then maybe you should suggest adjusting the times of the drug dealer buying and selling drugs (which was originally changed as quality of life update so you don't have to wait hours to sell your shit) which forces players to either wait or sell to other players for a cheaper price. Or you could just do it yourself now and potentially get robbed for all of your "hard earned" drug money.

Regardless, it is beyond stupid to suggest taxing drugs unless you're legalizing it and if you legalized it drug dealers would go out of business and drugs would be sold at designated shops whilst being heavily taxed.

Selling seeds to the drug dealer or product to the drug dealer? Maybe, maybe not, there's no real use to that seeing as other people might be selling drugs to him along with seeds (not actual players but people in real life) or he's getting the seeds through other means. That is too excessive regardless imo and should only be suggested if the player owned economy goes into effect.

TL;DR if you want to rp selling drugs to other players, no one is stopping you from doing it and getting robbed $75k.
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This is absolutely stupid. It's like me pinching some watches of the back of a lorry but not forgetting to add VAT when I flog them down the market. The only tax a drug dealer would pay (if in UK) would be his council tax etc. To pay tax on that income he would have to decleare his earnings. Nobody is going to put down drug deals as their source of income. Drugs are complete off the grid and are no way effected by inflation,taxes,exchange rates etc. What's the tax supposed to go to, funding new drug dens?
TL;DR drug dealers don't get affected by taxes irl, why should they here?
Taxes? Are you serious?
So some government bloke is going to walk into a crack den and ask for the payment for the water bill?
Why in any society would the government tax ILLEGAL DRUGS?
Did you think for a single fucking second before making this?
First off all, why the fuck would you tax any illegal substance?! Have you ever seen people going somewhere where you pay taxes (hell no, I dont fucking know where that is), filling out a formular, saying that the have sold 14367 cocaine seeds, 46789 canabis seeds and bought 775994 bags of cocaine, 4564547 bags of canabis and 41324 bags of christal meth? Fucks sake no, they would just say: "Oh, you wanna tax drugs? Give me a sec." *calls 911* "Hey there, we got a guy here who wants to tax drugs, come and get him please." Thats how it would work IRL and as this gamemode is to simulate real-life
2.1 Play Realistically-This game mode aims to emulate real life, and as such, players are expected to play realistically at all times; because life is not ‘black and white’, there is potential for some scenarios to have not been included in this document, these rules are also not necessarily ‘written in stone’, meaning that exceptions can be made where appropriate - any such exceptions are purely determined by an administrator’s discretion.

If an administrator believes you have broken a rule and/or acted inappropriately/unrealistically, you will be expected to discuss the situation(s)/incident(s) with the administrator, and you will also be expected to justify your action(s); if you unable to appropriately and effectively justify yourself when requested, an appropriate form of punishment will be enacted.

Please note that if you feel an administrator has made an inappropriate decision, you may request to speak with a Senior Administrator, or instead, may freely discuss the rule(s) and/or incident(s) on the forums.
the same thing would happen here. Your second point was something about selling drugs to other players. Mate, have you even checked the current shizzle on the server? You are aleardy able to sell drugs to other people? Drop shizzle, get money?
" Role play " By adding a drug dealer that pay's his taxes as if he worked in an office, its just unrealistic and don't take my drug moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
I like how you say government job yes I like this dictatorship going on.

A drug dealer paying tax is like paying VAT/Sales tax on a TV you stole.

Sir you're under arrest for tax evasion
Not for the metric shit tons of drugs you've sold but because you did not pay tax on them.​