Ok so recently there have been many updates affiliated with the PLPD and there's a few things that I am unsure about and I hope that someone can help me who has good knowledge of the Police System.
Question No* 1
Ok so the new police ranking system is amazing and despite the amount of people trying to be a cop on day 1 of the update it was very successful. Now, the thing I wish to know is that how do you rank up through the new PD ranks? and how do you do so and is there any applications or interviews involved and how does it work overall.
Question No* 2
What are all the new ranks abilities? A translation of this question is what can a certain rank do? For example the LT can place warrants on people. But what can other ranks do?
Questions No* 3
What can the police ranks do on the computers. If I am a normal officer of the law and I pull someone over for speeding what can I see on their profile? Warrants, If they are wanted, If they are associated with drug use or if they have a hefty record or traffic offenses.
I just want to say thank you for looking at this thread and helping in anyway you can
Question No* 1
Ok so the new police ranking system is amazing and despite the amount of people trying to be a cop on day 1 of the update it was very successful. Now, the thing I wish to know is that how do you rank up through the new PD ranks? and how do you do so and is there any applications or interviews involved and how does it work overall.
Question No* 2
What are all the new ranks abilities? A translation of this question is what can a certain rank do? For example the LT can place warrants on people. But what can other ranks do?
Questions No* 3
What can the police ranks do on the computers. If I am a normal officer of the law and I pull someone over for speeding what can I see on their profile? Warrants, If they are wanted, If they are associated with drug use or if they have a hefty record or traffic offenses.
I just want to say thank you for looking at this thread and helping in anyway you can
