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Under Lewis088's bed
So I have an enquiry about the Honorary rank, it is given out for an ex staffs efforts towards the community. So when they receive the rank surely they're not supposed to uphold any certain responsibility with it? all it gives is free vip and some cases physgun access but them displaying an immature behaviour and what not does not cover the face a players sometimes years of efforts towards gaining that rank. However I was speaking to Alex and their honorary rank was taken for "toxicity" which I don't really understand as they did put in years of effort and dedication to the community I think they should now be able to have a break from those boundaries so even if they were being "toxic" it shouldn't be a role which is taken away as punishment for something it should be displaying that they did help a lot towards the server and honour that. I just want to know where the rank stands and what responsibilities come with it due to it being in my opinion a bit bullshit you can have it removed.
It’s a role that’s given as gratitude towards ex staff members for their hard work, it would have been taken away because they probably don’t want people with official ranks acting inappropriately.

Just because you’re a former marine doesn’t mean they’ll let you walk in an army memorial and shit on the floor if you get my drift
"Just because you’re a former marine doesn’t mean they’ll let you walk in an army memorial and shit on the floor if you get my drift"

that is an extremely poor analogy. However I do get what your point is but you need to think of it as an actual game, I think is is well known throughout the community that if you hold the rank you are no longer bound by the responsibilities of a staff member and should be treated as an normal player rank imo
There are countless of times I was mistaken as a staff member but I don't think that's a bad thing, Honoraries (ex-staff, mostly not the PLPD Honoraries) have the experience to still help out with people if necessary and shouldn't ignore small issues. They can still be helpful and show that they still wish to keep their rank instead of thinking "Oh, I did my work, I don't care bother someone else". Bad mouthing will give people a bad impression, mostly why Alex lost his rank as he's known to be a troll but it's not obvious all the time.
While it is true that they're not expected per se to continue to take on staff responsibilities, I think it isn't asking much for honorary members to conduct themselves respectfully and answer simple queries put to them.

It doesn't mean that they're not treated like a normal player, but if they are excessively trolling and being negative then they shouldn't have the rank. As @Efan said it is a privilege and not a right: I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that new players would see them as "established" members of the community and seek assistance from them.