A quick thing to know about 3.4

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The TL;DR of 3.4 is that:

If the risk is not worth the reward, then it's 3.4

For example, running from police over a ticket is 3.4
Someone pointing a gun at you and you taking out your phone is 3.4
Raiding a base is not 3.4 as you are taking a risk of dying with the reward of money
Running in front of someone about to get shot WITH a reason is not 3.4

I'm gonna post more of these to further add the catalog of 3.4 situations
I know you mean well with this thread, but following 3.4 is not a hard task much like following the rules in general.
playing the server for the stupid amount of hours most of you play is 2.1
But what if I just want to the police and drive backwards along the highway the whole way? If you say that's not allowed I'm doing a ma- Oh wait, I can't. fuck.
Getting in a shootout as a police officer is 3.4 because you do not benefit from it. Ban all the PLPD.
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