A return to the community

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Ohio, United States of America
Hello everyone It’s been a while. First and foremost I want to start off with an apology to all of you. I upset and let a lot of people down a year ago when I decided to act like a child over a valid warning I received. I should’ve been mature about it but I didn’t and handled it a very wrong way which I regret fully.

A lot has changed with me over the past year and I’m not the same idiot that left here in shame a year ago. I got a new job which lowered my stress levels. I’m currently on medication to help with my mental issues that I’ve had going on for years now. It annoys me that I’ve never seeked helper sooner with this as I’ve never felt so good in my life. I’ve learned to take a step back and breathe and not let my emotions run the show like it used to when I was here a year ago. Overall I don’t feel like wanting to die all the time like I used. I generally feel happy with my life now. I hate what I did that caused me to get kicked out of here. I regret it deeply and it bugs the hell out of me that I did it. I’m hoping over time I can regain everyone’s trust again and became a member of the community fully again. I know actions speak louder than words and I hope I can prove to you all that I’ve changed and for the better. It is nice to be able to come to the forums again and talk to you all. I’ll see you guys around.
Hello everyone It’s been a while. First and foremost I want to start off with an apology to all of you. I upset and let a lot of people down a year ago when I decided to act like a child over a valid warning I received. I should’ve been mature about it but I didn’t and handled it a very wrong way which I regret fully.

A lot has changed with me over the past year and I’m not the same idiot that left here in shame a year ago. I got a new job which lowered my stress levels. I’m currently on medication to help with my mental issues that I’ve had going on for years now. It annoys me that I’ve never seeked helper sooner with this as I’ve never felt so good in my life. I’ve learned to take a step back and breathe and not let my emotions run the show like it used to when I was here a year ago. Overall I don’t feel like wanting to die all the time like I used. I generally feel happy with my life now. I hate what I did that caused me to get kicked out of here. I regret it deeply and it bugs the hell out of me that I did it. I’m hoping over time I can regain everyone’s trust again and became a member of the community fully again. I know actions speak louder than words and I hope I can prove to you all that I’ve changed and for the better. It is nice to be able to come to the forums again and talk to you all. I’ll see you guys around.
It’s been like a year. You were a very big part of the community and will probably get a ban apology accepted tbh.