The Asocial Austist Hunters Guild is a collection of like-minded individuals partaking in the controversial sport of tracking, documenting and humanely sedating the less functional members of society. We strive to collate and protect the most despicable examples of humanity, guarding the delicate ecosystem they blindly damage beyond repair.
As an organisation we also work to increase public awareness of the dangers of socialising with the lesser-known 'Asocial Aspies' or their more common brethren, the 'Autist'. More than £13, or around P$6,000,000 in medical expenses are racked up by normal-functioning adults needing pain relieving drugs such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to recover from the effects of conversing with one of these creatures, we feel that this great economic strain is an important societal issue that we must continue to push toward resolving.
We operate through public safaris and expeditions where non-members are invited to observe and assist in documenting the movements and routines of these creatures in their natural habitat, though due to issues with licensing and public safety we must insist that no attempts to interact with or restrain them take place during these events, as training and awareness of our field SOPs are necessary to act and react appropriately during active hunts.
Our members-only hunts are a private affair open to discussion on an individual basis.

Lead Tracker: Me
Albanian Relations and Refund Specialist: Harry
S.W.A.T Target Technician: Tom
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