Ability to break/smash all windows.

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Topic: Ability to smash/break all windows

Short explanation (in notes):
- You can smash a window using either a melee weapon, fists or a gun.
- Obviously a gun would smash it easily, whereas fists would take an extremely long time and melee would take around 10 hits.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
This means that when players are being raided by police/criminals, they actually have a chance of survival when they do not have a weapon/do not have as good weaponry. It would also means that if an assassination was to occur, they would be able to see where the bullet came from (through the broken window).

Optional additions:
- Not something that needs to be added now, but possibly for the future.
- Additions to this idea will be appreciated.
- Comments/thoughts on this idea would also be extremely appreciated.

I have +supported this for a simple reason: You can smash windows in real as well, why not in PERP?
Please note in order to do this all windows would have to be made func_breakable_surf. His has to be done manually and would take a long time to do. It is also known that breakable glass lowers performance.
So basically, here's the deal:
-Would lower performance
-Annoying to do
Also, the glass should regenerate at some point, despite this being unrealistic, as I can already imagine there being broken glass in every building (this sounds familiar, Dark something).
In addition to this, if the glass was put as is, pretty much anyone in ground floor abodes would get raided nonstop. In fact, lockpicks/bobbypins would be made far less useful.
Now you might say, yeah but this isn't this server supposed to be realistic (and it is)?
  1. The server can only be made realistic to a certain extent. It has to actually be fun and playable.
  2. In real life, when people break in through windows, they don't shoot the windows (most of the time,unless they have hearing problems, in which case I'm very sorry to hear that). They have to "break in" through a window, like they would a door. Since this is a game and either way people can hear when people are breaking into their houses, the sound doesn't matter as much.
So basically, I'm gonna say no.
So basically, here's the deal:
-Would lower performance
-Annoying to do
Also, the glass should regenerate at some point, despite this being unrealistic, as I can already imagine there being broken glass in every building (this sounds familiar, Dark something).
In addition to this, if the glass was put as is, pretty much anyone in ground floor abodes would get raided nonstop. In fact, lockpicks/bobbypins would be made far less useful.
Now you might say, yeah but this isn't this server supposed to be realistic (and it is)?
  1. The server can only be made realistic to a certain extent. It has to actually be fun and playable.
  2. In real life, when people break in through windows, they don't shoot the windows (most of the time,unless they have hearing problems, in which case I'm very sorry to hear that). They have to "break in" through a window, like they would a door. Since this is a game and either way people can hear when people are breaking into their houses, the sound doesn't matter as much.
So basically, I'm gonna say no.

- I do agree that it would be difficult to do
- I honestly don't see how it could affect the performance that much if at all as its not as if the glass is continuously breaking
- I was inferring that it should be like the windows you can currently break, where by the glass does regenerate over time . I do apologise for not stating that.
- you say what's to stop people from breaking the windows instead of using bobbies/lockpicks. Well firstly what's to stop that from happening now in buildings such as wood cabins. Secondly why would you shoot, making a loud as noise, rather than silently open a door with a bobby.

So basically what I'm saying is that I personally disagree with all that you have said, bar the fact that it may be a long and tedious process. I do appreciate you putting the effort into giving an in depth opinion on the idea, so thank you :)
How about only certain windows? Like the windows of apartments and second floors of houses? Also when you actually manage to break it with fists you get damage from the glass cutting you?

On the other hand I think this idea will screw with the quality rp within the server because people will feel more inclined to randomly smash store windows for the lolz or something. Just look at what it is like in dark rp.
How about only certain windows? Like the windows of apartments and second floors of houses? Also when you actually manage to break it with fists you get damage from the glass cutting you?

On the other hand I think this idea will screw with the quality rp within the server because people will feel more inclined to randomly smash store windows for the lolz or something. Just look at what it is like in dark rp.

Sorry on phone

Breaking shop windows for no valid reason would probably fall under excessive negativity and therefore a violation of rule 2.5. I do like the idea of it hurting your fists when breaking the windows with your fists! :)
Okay, so...

From V1 to V2 many windows were removed due to the lag that rendering inside buildings caused, however a few breakable windows still stayed. A few shops within the city area have breakable windows, and I'm guessing you'd want this function on
apartments and stuff like that.

First of all, what is this really going to achieve / how is this going to benefit the server? I mean, yeah this will look pretty amazing in a raid; but what will it gain? It's simply going to lower the performance of the server due to the effects, and gunfights happen pretty much every 5 minutes in Paralake therefore breaking windows would be quite a regular occurance. Also if you could enter properties using this 'breaking windows' system it would simply add another entrance for police and swat within raids; which would make it slightly less fair for the building owner.

I don't really know, this would look good but would also take a lot of time and effort to plan out and create - If this suggestion had some more detail on how this would be used and what windows would have the ability to smash them then it would highly benefit it and get considered slightly more.

In my opinion, I don't think this will be added due to the reasons in which I stated above lag, conveniency, roleplay issues.
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I've told @Xquality a couple times to respond to this as it has to do with his department but he's being a dickhead about it. So I'll answer for him... No this would not be possible, for the main reasons review other posts discussing the potential problems. There are more besides that but they're rather technical. In addition in some cases it would lead to easy access to some places we do not want players, like suburbs roof. Anyways simply put, this is denied.
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