Ability to search someone you ziptie

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Main idea: Title says it all; basically we should be able to search people that we zip-tie.

Description: After zip-tying someone you will have the ability to press r with your fists out to bring up a menu that shows everything in their inventory and how much money they have on them. Possibly add a take all button, or maybe check off the things you want transferred into your own inventory?

  • Pros: No more calling for admins
  • Don't need to worry about anyone stalling or lying
  • Muggings will be alot easier to do.

  • Cons: Can't think of any!
Already made the discussion on November 24th of last year and didn't ever make a suggestion and I keep seeing people starting a discussion for this without even trying to look up and see that it's been done. *cough @Bframos @Exrobite cough*
We demand that this be added! Workers of perpheads, rise up and let your voice be heard!!!!! For too long have we had to trust other users!! No more I say! The only things you have to loose are your chains!!

we serously need something like this so zipties even get used and admins dont have to break their RP to respond someone who made a f6 "Hey can you come please im mugging someone can u plz check his inventory".
And if you mug a tryhard powergrower you don't have to wait an hour for them to drop 500 bags of each!!
This is bad news for me then if I get mugged considering all the items I carry on me. But if I think I'm at risk of being mugged I just carry food and bags of salt.

Old screenshot btw. I carry 15 full mags with me now lol.
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