About the IP duplication system

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As im not sure where to write this thread im gonna go offtop, so nobody will be angry cause i did so.
Supposedly, my friend came to my house with his own PC, and he starts to play on Perp with his own acc. The public ip is the same and there are 2 different steam accounts, not at the same time on perp. Will he and me get permbanned, or an admin will tak to my friend or me to check the situation? When the situation will be over and after my ban i will try to get unbanned, I know that saying "oh yes, my friends dog was playing on his pc at my home" is not really enaugh, and I guess there was already sbdy like that... Just to make sure, im not banned or anything, just curious. Sorry for my english, See ya in game!
If both are family shared then yes, you can get banned. but if you had 2 separated steam accounts (you bought gmod on each account) then no you won't get banned unless you use it when your 1st account is banned
I frequently connect on a fairly popular vpn and I've even had staff ask me about it, if there's a good reason or a mistake exceptions can be made if the system catches you
I and my brother are connected to the same router (same IP) and he gets separated bans. i used to family share gmod with him but after i realised that if he did a mistake , i can get my account banned as well for (ban evading or family shared account) i bought him the game
You know, honestly I have 2 acc with gmod and 1 time i messed them up and joined perp with the one i have family shared gmod, just for 1 min, to the moment i knew i fucked up. I offloged immedietely, i havent got a ban, so i wasnt evadeing ban or something, i didnt get banned. It was a second. I know i wont get banned but im still interested how it works.
my brother introduced me to this server and we used to play at the same time, obv diff acc with gmod bought individually and you will get banned separately when on the server at the same time