Abraham Williams

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Your Steam/In-game Name: |AFF|PH| Chris/Chris Andrews
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ??/Abraham Williams
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59151838
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Not sure what they did to be chased by the police (I was in an OOC sit with Stomper), but they said that it kept breaking law 8.8, and so I deemed it necessary to participate in the effort to stop the ambulance. When the vehicle spun out, I shot it's tires out (law 11.11 - the paramedics were putting people's lives at risk with their evasive driving) and Abraham runs away. At one point, I am literally pointing the gun at his face and he breaks 3.4. Whilst we are about to detain him, he runs to his prius. I gunpoint him again, he simply drives into me breaking 3.4, then ultimately broke 3.6 as I shoot him for attempting to run me over. In all, he also broke 3.19 as pretty much the entirety of the PLPD was on his ass.

Evidence (Demo Required):

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That was the stupidest thing I've seen today.
That medic just ain't right. Clearly broke every rule stated.
+ Support
How did these two even past the test to get access to this job? If I was online I would of been more then happy to help take these two down..
Due to this user breaking several rules he will be banned from the server for 1-2 Weeks as he has a complete disregard for server rules or laws as a government employee. As it's clear to see from the video the user completely disregards gunpoint (Rule 3.4) as a gun is directly pointed in his face, yet he decided to run off and spawned a new car to attempt to get away in that also. Fortunately, the user has no other warnings or bans however due to his/her disregard to the rules they will be banned from the server, i hope this gives the user time to read the rules properly.

Rules Broken:

  • 3.4
  • 2.1
  • 4.1
  • 4.3

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