Action report on PLPD and Swat on at 29/2/16

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Reaction score
England, Kent
Your Steam/In-game Name: Emil Blade
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: PLPD and
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:56687120
Why Should This Player Be Punished: For raiding Slums 2 for no valid reason, SWAT randomly blew open the doors so we protected our self with AKs and M4s and then we got lost. NO GOOD REASON GIVEN!!!
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: No clue but the demo is not long
Tyla was the SGT after what happened. Tyla never acc did anything; And I were basing with you, It was the SWAT
Oh dear you made an action request on me - Just like to note that I had nothing to do with the raid, @Chris was the Lieutenant who rated me dumb and as far as I know he didn't authorise any raid and a report was made. The report was gone when I looked a second time so assumed it was dealt with?

Thanks for editing it bruv
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Please actually place the correct information inside of the action request.

oh and you can't make an action request on the entire PLPD, that is literally more than 150 players...
Now i was one of the swat but i wasn't a swat from the start of the first raid on slums i just go on duty and was told go to regals because there were raiding so i cant say no to not going. I have to do as i am told and i did speak with them in looc before we had to blow the door off for like the 3rd time and as they said to me that it was a random raid but i don't know because i wasn't there since the start. I told them that i couldn't just walk out or i would loose my job. I did ask if there was a reason for the raid or if there was someone we were looking for but i think that in the excitement of the moment to many people were busy telling what to do and speaking over the radio no one probably heard me so yea. If you need me for anything about this if there needs to be a sit just pm me on the forums or come to me in-game and ask if you can take me.
Here's the crack:
  • I was trying to find and arrest @Ezrider (the mayor), meanwhile some situation goes down at slums (i.e. panic alarms and that).
  • I issue preliminary orders as the LT for officers not to enter the building, and instead to contain it. (@Creepis nice kek)
  • They do whatever while I'm not there.
  • When I am actually there, they tell me that there are armed criminals in number 2, which warrants forced entry per section 11.5.
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