Ban request

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Your Steam/In-game Name: ZeluxeNN
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Emil Paulsen - STEAM_0:1:11561680 | Make Money! - STEAM_0:0:9282627
His ingame name is: Emil Paulsen - STEAM_0:1:11561680 | Make Money! - STEAM_0:0:9282627 - And someone else that Swiper knows.
His/Her SteamID: Reason: We where driving up to the door and said they where a bounch of noobs, and told them they where some faggots and shit, and then we drove a little bit away and they pulled alot of guns and shooted our car in the middel of the street, and all 4 of us died and lost alot of guns
Evidence: I hope its this demo
We heard clear death threats and that we should wait so people responded, also me Make Money dident fire a shoot at this perticular roleplay scene.
I really hope Its the Right demo, cause i dident even check the one i have posted, since i'm on the Way on hollidays on my iPhone - but all of you guys who was stranding outsid was shooting
Killing someone for this reason is totally wrong. A banable offense, even to bring out a weapon in this situation is totally unrealistic. I hope it's the right demo so you get justice.
Well, killing you was over top, but it's kinda understandable, if you yelled death threats against them. Irl everyone gets a bunch of death threats every now and then, all of them are complete bullshit anyway. But you have to think about it, if you toss death threats, insults and whatever against some street gang, good night. It really just looked like you guys asked to be killed.
This ban request will be Accepted. The users Make Money!, emil poulsen, Nathanial Kray and a person with the in-game name "Edwardo Albro" will be banned for killing you and your friends without a valid reason.
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